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Security and intelligence agencies have given good looking women with thick hair the license to cheat, betray

Many of the problems India faces like banking frauds, losses, jobless growth is because great powers are given to intelligence and security agencies without having any systems in place to prevent the abuse of power for personal gain and hatred
India officially claims to be a democracy where all citizens are equal ., however these powerful government officials are openly indulging in lookism, ageism, and openly discriminate against older ugly citizens especially single women
These hypocrite government employees claim to very worried about honesty, black money, tax evasion, yet when lazy greedy good looking women with thick hair like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, sunaina , siddhi are openly involved in banking fraud, extortion racket, cheat, corporate espionage, blackmail , criminal trespassing, theft of documents, all these crimes are ignored and these women are rewarded with great powers, R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the woman they cheated, betrayed
On the other hand, just because a woman is older, not good looking and does not have thick hair, since 2010, these security and intelligence agency employees have been making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, hysterically repeating the lies like parrots, wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money in the process.

Extra marital affairs involve betrayal

Most of the news and stories posted on this website, would not be posted if powerful ntro and other indian intelligence and security agency employees were not involved in extra marital affairs, with google, tata supplied goan call girls and others
Of all the books sent for review, those on extra marital affairs are always interesting because there is a lot of suspense involved, as one spouse is betrayed
The reader would like to know whether the person will go back to his wife, or live with his girlfriend.
Usually the husband is betraying his trusting wife
In some cases like in the Jasmine Blooms, the shock of betrayal results in the death of the wife from a heart attack.
However online, if a person will complain about betrayal, they are labelled mentally unsound or being a security threat

Repeated betrayals for identity theft

To have a perfectly normal person declared as mentally unsound, indian intelligence and security agencies specialize in repeated betrayal of the person, forcing him or her to lose faith in humanity and isolate her. Till 2010, thhe google competitor, engineer, and domain investor did not face any major cheating and betrayal by any person, however it appears that google, tata BRIBED top officials, so almost everyone who she trusted cheated her

For example google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees mba hr ruchika king , shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, refused to reply to the google competitor after being paid a large amount of money, yet falsely claimed credit for doing work to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor. Similarly indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena stole the documents of the google competitor when she made the mistake of trusting her, and goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage on the google competitor after she again made the mistake of trusting the crooked siddhi.

So organized stalking victims in India are subjected to repeated betrayal to cause mental stress, make them angry. Later voice to skull technology is used by the ntro, cbi employees to taunt the betrayal victim of how the indian government is rewarding all those who defame, exploit,CHEAT HONEST hardworking indian citizens with R&AW jobs, monthly indian government salary as part of the indian government program to reward LAZINESS AND FRAUD

Little help for victims of betrayal

Most people who betray those who trust them, are doing it intentionally because they are overconfident that their victim is fond of them and will never be able to take any action against them to affect them professionally, financially and socially. The betrayal victim is often hurt, upset and angry, yet is often unable to do anything about it other than complain.
In case the customer is betrayed or cheated by a vendor, the best action is to stop or reduce doing business , especially when the vendor is a far bigger company who is more well connected. Love affairs which end on bitter note for one of the victims are also a form of betrayal. In “the breakup clinic” by Dr Govind Sharma, the psychologist treating the break up victim is giving very good advice, when he says that those who betray those who trusted them, no longer care for the relationship and have moved on.
For example when google tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees ruchika, nayanshree hathwar refused to reply to the domain investor who had paid a large amount of money to them, though they were aware of the fact that the domain investor was wasting a lot of time and money trying to contact them, it clearly indicated that the relationship was over. Similarly when google tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees housewife bespectacled veena, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar betrayed the domain investor, stealing documents and committing corporate espionage , it again indicated that the relationship was over. When goan cbi/raw employees frauds riddhi, siddhi, sunaina and others are openly defaming the domain investor with their fake stories, they do not care for the domain investor, only wish to cheat her to the maximum extent possible.

There is a saying that it is easy to break relationships, mending a broken relationship is very difficult so think twice before you break a relationship, cheat , betray a person who trusted you. There is no point in giving the relationship with a betrayer a second chance, as the victim will be betrayed again, causing great hurt, stress and anger.

Tata sponsored indore fraud housewife R&AW employee veena has betrayed OBC bhandaris

The tata group deserved to be making losses for most companies because top tata officials are allegedly some of greatest section 420 frauds in India notorious for identity theft frauds on harmless innnocent indian citizens to increase the profit of tata group and also control the powerful indian intelligence agencies. With the help of crooked shameless cunning brahmin officials like goan gsb fraud nayak, puneet, hathwar, parmar and kodancha, these shameless section 420 fraud tata officials have got the lazy greedy mediocre bespectacled indore housewife veena who never answered JEE a lucrative R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore housewife, who never spent any money online has the btech 1993 ee degree, investment online and offline of india”s largest female domain investor.
The google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employee veena has never registered any domain name in her life, and is least interested in investing any money online, yet because the crooked indore housewife veena betrayed india’;s largest female domain investor, a obc bhandari single woman engineer, the shameless fraud liar cbi, ntro, raw, security agency officials are falsely claiming that the crooked indore housewife is a domain investor to pay her a monthly R&AW salary for betraying her obc bhandari relative’
Like the other obc bhandari sex worker R&AW employee sunaina , the indore housewife veena has not got the R&AW job on the basis of merit or her own resume, cunning fraud brahmin officials have exploited a meritorious obc bhandari engineer, to get these crooked lazy mediocre women, lucrative R&AW jobs, and will be indebted to the crooked Brahmin officials who got them their job. So these obc bhandari frauds will always be puppets of their brahmin fraud mentors like nayak, puneet, j srinivasan and do whatever their mentors will tell to.

These obc bhandari fraud R&AW employees veena, sunaina are brahmin puppets, who are only the obc face of the indian intelligence agencies, who have got their powers,intelligence jobs, salary only for betraying , stealing the resume of, denying opportunities to far more deserving obc professionals , to ensure that the obc bhandari community remains poor. The cunning google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees veena, sunaina are accomplices of the crooked brahmin officials, helping the brahmin officials to ensure that no one meritorious in the obc bhandari community will succeed

Indian domain registrars live up to the indian tradition of betrayal

Many historians say that India despite being an ancient civilization, is a relatively poor country in 2016, because it has been invaded repeatedly by foreigners who have taken the best from the country, and subjugated the indian population, mentally destroyed them. In contrast wealthy countries like Japan, UK, USA have been rarely invaded in the last few centuries. Foreigners have found it easy to invade and conquer india, because powerful officials in India are not patriotic and have no qualms betraying their country, fellow countrymen if they are offered incentives in cash or kind.
Indian domain registrars are living up to the great indian tradition of betrayal, ruthlessly cheating, exploiting and defaming their loyal customers, destroying their life to please foreign companies like google,
Some of the largest indian domain registrars are extremely vicious in destroying the life of their customers and their viciousness has become notorious among smaller indian internet companies. These domain registrars will greedily take money from their loyal customers, and then steal the resume of their customers for goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds, who cheat, betray, exploit and defame the loyal customers, to get all the frauds lucrative indian intelligence jobs with fake resumes, fake work, fake investment.
The top officials associated with these companies are extremely short sighted, only thinking of acquiring talent and technology cheaply, launching a hostile takeover, and are unable to evaluate matters professionally. They are blinded by their hatred, greed, prejudices and are not open minded to understand or acknowledge the fact that the appearance of a woman is not the sole indicator of her competence, education, or work ethic.
These officials have no qualms betraying single women customers because they are overconfident that they can get away with their betrayal, it will not affect them professionally or socially. It is extremely unfair that one woman is paying all the expenses for the domain names and also spending a lot of time researching and managing the domain names, while the cunning fraud top indian officials are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre fraud goan sex partners , relatives and friends who do not invest a single penny on domain names, own the domain names of a private citizen, to get all these frauds lucrative indian intelligence jobs with monthly indian government salary

Western countries have progressed, are wealthy and powerful, because unlike the top indian officials, their top officials have morals, and will not shamelessly make completely fake claims about domain ownership exploiting and cheating the real domain investors. Domain investors worldwide agree that the indian government is openly involved in a major domain, financial fraud on the domain investor. These registrars take a sadistic pleasure in labelling their loyal customers as dogs, humiliating them. Tired of the endless betrayal, humiliation of the larger indian domain registrars, many of the indian domain investors are using foreign domain registrars though it may be more expensive and the interface may be worse.
Till the top officials in India are more patriotic, honest and have foresight,vision, stop trading sex for power, money, the indian internet sector will grow slowly.

Betrayal by Indians cause of poverty in India

Some of the richest nations of the world have become very powerful because they were never conquered or invaded by other countries. For example after the Norman Conquest of Great Britain in 1066 AD, the country was never invaded again , and it became one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world ruling over a large part of the world.
On the other hand, most Indians lack patriotism, honesty and will easily betray their fellow citizens for personal gain or hatred, allowing foreigners like Persians, Mughals, British and other Europeans conquer India repeatedly, making it one of the poorest countries in the world. Those who betray friends and family members do not face any personal or professional censure at all in India and are rewarded by top officials. Every country or race that invades India, takes away a lot,destroying lives, leaving nothing for those who remain in India.
Though India is a democracy in name, the tradition of rewarding mediocre frauds and betrayers who are stooges of foreign countries and companies continues till date, ensuring that india remains poor, patriotic meritorious indian citizens do not flourish in India, are forced to migrate, leave the country.
For example R&AW/CBI the indian intelligence agencies are paying a monthly salary to lazy greedy mediocre google, CIA sponsored frauds like slim goan obc bhandari sex queen sunaina chodnekar,2013 bsc goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, indore housewife veena, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, ruchika, asmita patel, naina, kalpana natar, deepika and others falsely claiming that they are domain investors, owning this website,online experts, when it is easily proved that none of these mediocre lazy fraud women are paying or controlling this website.
All these google, cia sponsored mediocre lazy greedy indian intelligence agency employees are being rewarding for betraying, cheating, exploiting the real domain investor, a harmless indian citizen, in a clear indication that R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies have not learned from history, they continue to encourage and reward those who betray , and ensure that no person of merit can flourish in India, keeping the country extremely poor

Middle aged people, senior citizens betrayed repeatedly

Brilliant students are often warned that in India honesty is not valued, and they will do better if they leave India. In the last decade, indian intelligence and security agencies are encouraging, rewarding and protecting lazy greedy mediocre frauds whose greatest achievement is cheating and betraying people. The great victims of the state sponsored fraud are middle aged people and senior citizens who do not have the social network, friends and relatives to help them get justice.
Shivalli brahmin cheater R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, are two frauds who got lucrative R&AW jobs with fake resumes, investment, as reward for betrayal, cheating and lies, while their victim, india’s largest female domain investor, finds it difficult to get justice and continues to be repeatedly exploited, cheated, impersonated by the shameless fraud R&AW employees.
The gruesome murder of the 87 year old lady Nativide Fernandes by a caretaker Patra and his accomplices in May 2016 is another case, where trusting senior citizens are murdered by young people only interested in quick money.
Like the fraud brahmin R&AW employees nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar who are getting a monthly salary and great powers from the indian government as reward for their betrayal and cheating, the murderers of Ms Fernandes must have thought that they would get away with their fraud, murder and lies. Allegedly 9 lakh in bank deposits and 8 lakh in jewelry were stolen by patra and his accomplices, who buried the body of their victim in Mayem.

The main accused in the case, bengali patra has still not been traced, in an indication that like brahmin fraud R&AW employees siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, he may get away with cheating and lies.

Long tradition of betrayal in India

India’s largest female domain investor was initially upset when she was betrayed repeatedly and those who betrayed her were rewarded with intelligence agency jobs, falsely claiming to have her resume, investment. However reading the story of Babur, the first Mughal emperor of India, in a dramatized account by Alex Rutheford, it becomes apparent that India has a long tradition of betrayal. Babur was initially the ruler of Ferghana, a small kingdom in central Asia, and after his fathers death, he acknowledged his half brother Jahangir and got him to the royal palace.
When he went to take control of Samarkhand, he found that his half brother Jahangir with the help of others had taken control of Ferghana and he found himself without a kingdom. Almost every person who Babur trusts, except his sister, mother, grandmother, and a few military officials, betray him. After her conquers India, he orders that the family of the slain ruler of India, Sultan Ibrahim lodi, including his mother, Buwa is treated well.
However, the mother of the sultan, Buwa, again betrays Babur, tries to poison the emperor, when he is having his meal. Though Babur managed to recover from the poison, it was one of the factors which allegedly resulted in his death at the relatively early age of 47.
So in India, a person with money or power or an impressive resume should never trust anyone, betrayal is an indian tradition, honest, loyal people are ruthlessly exploited, cheated.
Indian intelligence agencies want small business owners to hire employees so that the employees can be used to betray the small business owner , destroy or take over the business.

Intelligence agencies reward relatives, friends for betrayal

In India people who have worked hard and honestly to save some money for their old age, often find that their relatives and friends are rewarded for betraying them by the cunning shameles indian intelligence agencies, like CBI, R&AW, NTRO and security agencies. In India, people will trust their family members the most, yet these members will betray them ruthlessly if they are offered incentives like government jobs and the hard earned money of the victim.
For example the shameless fraud cbi, ntro, R&AW officials, allegedly bribed by google,tata are falsely claiming that this website and the associated paypal account belongs to the cunning lazy greedy indore housewife veena, a relative of the domain investor, for betraying the domain investor . Though the indore housewife veena does not spend a single rupee on the website expenses, does not have a paypal account and does not use the internet regularly, the top ntro, R&AW, cbi officials are extremely shameless liars making fake claims.
These dishonest powerful government officials have ensured that the indore housewife veena gets a government job and monthly salary, make fake claims of owning websites, as reward for betraying her relative, who made the mistake of trusting her. In communist east germany, the media reported that family members were spying on each other, and it appears that indian intelligence agencies are following similar practices to enrich themselves
This practice of Indian intelligence agencies is extremely unfair and humiliating to honest hardworking indian citizens as mediocre fraud housewives are given a monthly salary only for betrayal,
This indicates that R&AW, CBI , NTRO are fraud filled organizations with zero integrity and no professionalism