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Google, tata reward liar NTRO employees for their professional fraud on their engineering classmate

In an indication of the complete lack of ethics of google, tata, these fraud companies have rewarded the fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel, for their professional fraud on their btech 1993 ee classmate, stealing her resume, savings,correspondence and memory without a legally valid reason for 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girls bhandari sunaina chodan,2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, indore document robber housewife veena, deepika, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar 2005 bbm, school dropout eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, asmita patel, ruchika king and others to get all these frauds ,lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of their classmate, a single woman bhandari engineer, google competitor who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved.

Google, tata have brutally and cunningly defamed without proof, cheated and exploited the engineer to supply goan call girls sunaina, siddhi to top government officials as sex bribes, getting bribes and jobs for relatives of fraud top officials like hathwar, kodancha, nayak, mandrekar, caro, pritesh chodan, with the the stolen resume, investment of the experienced engineer, domain investor.

Now these shameless fraud ntro employees who are are rewarded for professional fraud on their engineering classmate by google, tata with rapid career growth, are taunting their classmate who they brutally cheated and exploited that she is making very less money. However these fraud ntro employees should be stripped of their engineering degree at the earliest for their professional fraud of falsely claiming that various lazy greedy women like riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, naina,ruchika, bhandari sex worker sunaina, siddhi, veena, who did not answer JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmates

Getting admission and an engineering degree from a top engineering college in India is very difficult, and the google competitor has never asked these fraud ntro employees for any help, so they have no right to interfere in her life and steal her resume, savings, correspondence, memory. They are free to get any position for their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre girlfriends with their own resume, investment, they have no right to misuse the google competitors name

Any help or tips on how action can be initiated against the ntro employees for professional fraud of giving fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree will be greatly appreciated.

Bepanah on Colours, a serial on betrayal

One of the better television serials is Bepanah on colours, which is story in which a couple having an extra marital affair is found dead in an accident.
The husband and wife of the couple discover the affair only after their death,
while the wife is willing to give her dead husband, the benefit of doubt, the husband Aditya Hooda of the dead woman, Pooja is extremely angry and upset at the betrayal
However his family is willing to provide all support to him, understanding that he is betrayed by his wife who he trusted blindly
Compared to the betrayal in the serial, the domain investor owning this website has been betrayed in the worst possible manner, 10 times, by powerful fraud NTRO employees who have stolen her resume, savings, correspondence faking their relationship with her.
However when she is upset and is complaining, instead of understanding the problem, the officials are further harassing, defaming and falsely labelling he a security threat for complaining about the betrayal, fraud

Extra marital affairs involve betrayal

Most of the news and stories posted on this website, would not be posted if powerful ntro and other indian intelligence and security agency employees were not involved in extra marital affairs, with google, tata supplied goan call girls and others
Of all the books sent for review, those on extra marital affairs are always interesting because there is a lot of suspense involved, as one spouse is betrayed
The reader would like to know whether the person will go back to his wife, or live with his girlfriend.
Usually the husband is betraying his trusting wife
In some cases like in the Jasmine Blooms, the shock of betrayal results in the death of the wife from a heart attack.
However online, if a person will complain about betrayal, they are labelled mentally unsound or being a security threat

Repeated betrayals for identity theft

To have a perfectly normal person declared as mentally unsound, indian intelligence and security agencies specialize in repeated betrayal of the person, forcing him or her to lose faith in humanity and isolate her. Till 2010, thhe google competitor, engineer, and domain investor did not face any major cheating and betrayal by any person, however it appears that google, tata BRIBED top officials, so almost everyone who she trusted cheated her

For example google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees mba hr ruchika king , shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, refused to reply to the google competitor after being paid a large amount of money, yet falsely claimed credit for doing work to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor. Similarly indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena stole the documents of the google competitor when she made the mistake of trusting her, and goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar committed corporate espionage on the google competitor after she again made the mistake of trusting the crooked siddhi.

So organized stalking victims in India are subjected to repeated betrayal to cause mental stress, make them angry. Later voice to skull technology is used by the ntro, cbi employees to taunt the betrayal victim of how the indian government is rewarding all those who defame, exploit,CHEAT HONEST hardworking indian citizens with R&AW jobs, monthly indian government salary as part of the indian government program to reward LAZINESS AND FRAUD

Betrayal of indian companies causes failure of “Make in India”

Like most countries, the indian government would like to encourage indians to purchase from indian companies. However indian companies especially in the indian internet sector will take money from one person and then shamelessly betray the loyal customer repeatedly. For example india’s largest female domain investor spent a huge amount of money with an indian domain registrar, who shamelessly and ruthlessly falsely claimed that as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater housewives, sex workers and other frauds who never spent any money, made the payment to get all these frauds a lucrative indian intelligence jobs at the expense of the real domain investor who got nothing at all, was brutally defamed, cheated and tortured
On the other hand, foreign domain registrars are far more honest, and they will at least acknowledge their customer who is spending their hard earned money on the domain names unlike indian domain registars who will greedily take money, and then ruthlessly betray, defame, cheat and exploit. On the other hand, the indian domain registrars have no morals at all, do not think that there is anything wrong in betrayal.
So at least in the indian internet sector, till the shameless domain registrars stop betraying, cheating, exploiting, defaming, their loyal customers, few indian citizens will make the mistake of trusting the registrars who betrayed , cheated, exploited and defamed them earlier.

Little help for victims of betrayal

Most people who betray those who trust them, are doing it intentionally because they are overconfident that their victim is fond of them and will never be able to take any action against them to affect them professionally, financially and socially. The betrayal victim is often hurt, upset and angry, yet is often unable to do anything about it other than complain.
In case the customer is betrayed or cheated by a vendor, the best action is to stop or reduce doing business , especially when the vendor is a far bigger company who is more well connected. Love affairs which end on bitter note for one of the victims are also a form of betrayal. In “the breakup clinic” by Dr Govind Sharma, the psychologist treating the break up victim is giving very good advice, when he says that those who betray those who trusted them, no longer care for the relationship and have moved on.
For example when google tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees ruchika, nayanshree hathwar refused to reply to the domain investor who had paid a large amount of money to them, though they were aware of the fact that the domain investor was wasting a lot of time and money trying to contact them, it clearly indicated that the relationship was over. Similarly when google tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees housewife bespectacled veena, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar betrayed the domain investor, stealing documents and committing corporate espionage , it again indicated that the relationship was over. When goan cbi/raw employees frauds riddhi, siddhi, sunaina and others are openly defaming the domain investor with their fake stories, they do not care for the domain investor, only wish to cheat her to the maximum extent possible.

There is a saying that it is easy to break relationships, mending a broken relationship is very difficult so think twice before you break a relationship, cheat , betray a person who trusted you. There is no point in giving the relationship with a betrayer a second chance, as the victim will be betrayed again, causing great hurt, stress and anger.

Cunning fraud NTRO employees duping people that they are trying to help the person they hate

One of the greatest frauds and betrayals of a person is when people claim that they are trying to help, when actually these people do everything possible to cause great losses , ruining the reputation and life of the person. For example some people had told the domain investor that her engineering classmates working in ntro were trying to help her, when actually after 7 years, it becomes very clear that these engineering classmates caused great harm and destroyed her life with their careless, greed and excellent acting.
For example one person ( not belonging to the gang pretending to “help”) said that it was very careless and inconsiderate of these ntro employees to stalk a harmless single woman engineer, often living alone, and to circulate her details, photos and videos to people all over india , without her permission or offering her any kind of compensation . This has put her life in great danger and is the worst kind of betrayal
It is time that the ntro employees are honest that they are stalking and circulating photos, videos of a harmless single woman engineer, their btech 1993 ee classmate, because they hate her, wish to destroy her life, and are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money, expensive NTRO equipment to do so, without being questioned or held accountable

Fraud NTRO employees betraying female engineering classmate to steal their resume

One of the greatest frauds in India is how shameless fraud NTRO, R&AW, CBI employees are betraying their female engineering classmates, falsely pretending to know them very well to steal their impressive resume for google, tata sponsored GOAN SEX workers, cheater housewives and other frauds to get all these fraud women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly government salary.,
These shameless section 420 fraud NTRO employees like puneet j., j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel are least interested in contacting their btech 1993 ee classmate, yet they are putting her under surveillance for 7 years since 2010, falsely claiming they wish to help her and then pasting the photos of their mediocre lazy fraud girlfriend who never answered JEE on the impressive resume of their btech 1993 ee classmate to steal her resume.
If these ntro and indian government employees wish to get jobs for their real girlfriends, they should be honest that their real girlfriends are only mediocre lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds, and get them jobs accordingly
These ntro and indian government employees have no right to falsely claim that their mediocre lazy greedy girlfriends and relatives have the impressive resume, investment and work ethic of their btech 1993 ee classmate, a obc single woman engineer, who these top officials hated , and have sexually harassed for more than 7 years since 2010
The NTRO, R&AW, CBI, indian government employees forget the old saying that no one is perfect, and they should be honest that their google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends in R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies did not answer JEE, did not get a btech 1993 ee degree, did not work as an engineer, have not invested money online, and do not do any work online.
For many more years will this tata, google, masterminded identity theft fraud similar to the Aamir Khan starrer “3 Idiots” continue?

Divide and rule policy adopted by government employees

The british ruled india by adopting the divide and rule policy, ensuring that hindus and muslims fought against each other, so that it was easier for the british to rule. Now in independent india, the upper caste government employees, especially in intelligence and security agencies have successfully adopted the british divide and rule policy to retain their monopoly on the powerful and lucrative government jobs.
The upper caste government employees have been very successful in ensuring that very few lower caste individuals are wealthy and powerful to pose a threat to their monopoly, change the political and social system to make it more equitable. If a lower caste person will be successful, his or her trusted family members or friends will be incited to betray, cheat and exploit the person, to destroy his or her life.
while the upper caste government employees are extremely united in ensuring that even their very mediocre lazy relative gets a very lucrative government job with a fake resume, stolen from a hard working honest lower caste professional, the honest hard working experienced lower caste person whose resume has been stolen by the upper caste fraud finds it extremely difficult to get any kind of justice.
The so called lower caste “leaders” can be easily persuaded or bribed to cooperate with upper caste officials in destroying the life of a brilliant hardworking lower caste professional, have no vision and no honesty. So as winston churchill correctly predicted india has exchanged the rule of the british, for the rule of brahmins who may be worse than the british in some aspects of their behavior

Tata sponsored indore fraud housewife R&AW employee veena has betrayed OBC bhandaris

The tata group deserved to be making losses for most companies because top tata officials are allegedly some of greatest section 420 frauds in India notorious for identity theft frauds on harmless innnocent indian citizens to increase the profit of tata group and also control the powerful indian intelligence agencies. With the help of crooked shameless cunning brahmin officials like goan gsb fraud nayak, puneet, hathwar, parmar and kodancha, these shameless section 420 fraud tata officials have got the lazy greedy mediocre bespectacled indore housewife veena who never answered JEE a lucrative R&AW job falsely claiming that the indore housewife, who never spent any money online has the btech 1993 ee degree, investment online and offline of india”s largest female domain investor.
The google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employee veena has never registered any domain name in her life, and is least interested in investing any money online, yet because the crooked indore housewife veena betrayed india’;s largest female domain investor, a obc bhandari single woman engineer, the shameless fraud liar cbi, ntro, raw, security agency officials are falsely claiming that the crooked indore housewife is a domain investor to pay her a monthly R&AW salary for betraying her obc bhandari relative’
Like the other obc bhandari sex worker R&AW employee sunaina , the indore housewife veena has not got the R&AW job on the basis of merit or her own resume, cunning fraud brahmin officials have exploited a meritorious obc bhandari engineer, to get these crooked lazy mediocre women, lucrative R&AW jobs, and will be indebted to the crooked Brahmin officials who got them their job. So these obc bhandari frauds will always be puppets of their brahmin fraud mentors like nayak, puneet, j srinivasan and do whatever their mentors will tell to.

These obc bhandari fraud R&AW employees veena, sunaina are brahmin puppets, who are only the obc face of the indian intelligence agencies, who have got their powers,intelligence jobs, salary only for betraying , stealing the resume of, denying opportunities to far more deserving obc professionals , to ensure that the obc bhandari community remains poor. The cunning google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees veena, sunaina are accomplices of the crooked brahmin officials, helping the brahmin officials to ensure that no one meritorious in the obc bhandari community will succeed