Archive for trust

The worst kind of betrayal

The worst kind of betrayal is when people fake concern for you, falsely claim that they are acting on your behalf, when they actually hate you and want to destroy your life. If these men are able to convince a large number of people that their concern will be real, it can be extremely dangerous for the person who they are faking concern, as all these people will be duped.

When the person faking concern is a very powerful government official, undoing the mess created can be a very uphill task, wasting many hours of time and money. He may put any person under surveillance for many years, and then falsely claim that his inexperienced, mediocre, cheater girlfriends have the person’s qualification, experience, investment, skills, work ethic, to appoint these mediocre friends to important government jobs at the expense of the person who he has faked concern for.

Even when the exploited person protests loudly, the powerful officials will refuse to admit their mistake or correct it, instead deploying their girlfriends to harass, cheat, exploit and defame the person who they have exploited, wasting even more indian tax payer money in the process. They are overconfident that their great fraud will never be exposed and they will never have to correct their great mistake as they are extremely shameless, without a conscience.

The problem appears to very accute in the indian internet sector as the largest companies and most powerful officials seem to consider betrayal and backstabbing a virtue, while loyalty, trust and honesty a crime. People who hate you openly are far more honest, at least they do not exploit the person who they hate to get great benefits for themselves and their friends. So ending the year appreciating honest enemies, and hope that karma teaches the fake friends who betray a lesson.

Betrayal of Indian online exporters, Fiverr scam

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Most progressive countries provide incentives and all assistance to their online exporters, it is a matter of national pride. Unfortunately, in India, government officials take great pride in harassing Indian online exporters as these officials have a hidden agenda to hurt the countries economy, by ensuring that exporters are unable to remit their hard earned money to India. Nepotism and corruption is rampant, making it difficult for exporters to remit their funds to India, as corrupt bullies coordinate with foreign websites to block remittances to indian exporters

For example this online exporter has been unable to remit funds to her Indian bank account from Fiverr using either Payoneer or Paypal . Fiverr support has not been responding the correspondence is reproduced below for everyone to see how the Indian exporter is exploited by corrupt well connected individuals. The Payoneer account of the exporter is activated, but still the funds are not remitted, and Fiverr support is making incorrect statements, contradictory statements, without checking the facts.

Payoneer has confirmed that the application was approved on 6 april 2014
as per the mail below, Please let us know on what basis, Fiverr is
claiming that the account approval is pending ================= From:
“Payoneer Inc.” Date: 6 Apr 2014 05:32:58 -0400
Dear Webconceptsin **,
Your request to receive payments from Fiverr LBT (India) to your bank
account has been approved.
Payments received from Fiverr LBT (India) will automatically be sent to
your bank account, in INR. You may view your payment history at any time
by clicking here.Note: Payments will be transferred to your bank account
once you have a total of at least $19.99.
If you have any questions, or for further details, please feel free to
Contact Us Thank you, Payoneer Customer Support

——– Original Message ——–
> From: “Michael (Fiverr Customer Support)”
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 2:26 PM
> To: “Info”
> Subject: [Fiverr Customer Support] Re: 598512
> ## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
> [Fiverr Customer Support] Re: 598512
> Your request (#598512) has been updated.
> To review the status of the request and add additional comments, follow
the link below:
> You can also add a comment by replying to this email.
> ———————————————-
> Michael, Apr 17 11:55
> Hi there,
> I reviewed your account and it looks like your Payoneer application is
submitted and not yet activated then i recommend contacting Payoneer
directly to assist you with this matter.
> Regards,
> Michael
> ———————————————-
> Info, Apr 15 01:45
> why is there no update to this ticket till date

> ——– Original Message ——–
> > From: “Fiverr Customer Support”
> > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 8:49 AM
> > To: “Info”
> > Subject: Ticket #598512
> ———————————————-
> Info, Apr 14 06:19
> have linked my Payoneer account to my Fiverr account, please let me know
how to withdraw funds to the Payoneer account for bank transfer to India,
since pressing the withdraw button on Fiverr is not working
> ——————————–
> This email is a service from Fiverr Customer Support.
> [6DZY-H0QT]

Unfortunately, every young liar who claims to be associated with the online exporter is showered with privileges by the powerful men in the Indian internet industry and given powers to harass the exporter. For example a young glamorous Kim Kardashian look alike from a powerful family has been misusing the online exporters name behind her back, and has been given great powers, which she is misusing to block the remittances to the exporter. It is the betrayal of the worst kind of the Indian online exporter, someone misuses her name to get great powers(which she have NEVER got otherwise), and then misuses these powers against the Indian online exporter

Also there is no one in India to take action against the corrupt young glamorous Kim Kardashian look alike, her obvious harassment of an online exporter, because she is the “girlfriend” of everyone who matters, and they will turn a blind eye to all her misdeeds, which are causing a loss to the Indian economy. Why are such young corrupt greedy liars given so much powers and there is no mechanism to stop the abuse of powers?

Betraying customers

Some companies have made betraying customers a tradition, it is part of the company culture. If a customer spends money with them, they will misuse the name of the customer, and give all privileges to their lazy undeserving girlfriends or relatives who have not spent a single penny with them.

Thus these companies, especially in the Internet sector, have perfected the art of punishing and ruining the life of their customers, by stealing the assignments and powers the customer would have otherwise got, because she is a major investor, and has many years of experience. These companies will give fake references to their undeserving lazy friends and relatives of powerful people and steal the assignments.
It is very frustrating for the customer, in such cases, the customer is forced to move to other companies, who do not have a culture of punishing their customer for their loyalty but are thankful for the business. Why should a customer spend his or her hard earned money with a company, only to give the company a license to misuse the customers name

Backstabbing bodyguards

Bodyguards are supposed to provide security, but it is important to screen their motivation, and personal grudges before selecting a bodyguard. This is because they have access to a lot of confidential information about the person they are supposed to protect, and they can misuse that information for personal benefit or to even harm the person they are supposed to protect.

A classic example is the former prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi, who was shot dead by her bodyguards in 1984. There are few people who have so many enemies, especially ordinary civilians that they need surveillance or security. In many cases, the surveillance is wasted on harmless civilians who would not harm even a fly, instead of the real troublemakers who remain undetected. A month or two is sufficient to understand the character and motivation of a person, anything longer is a breach of privacy and human rights, especially for a person who has not asked for the security.

Why there is no big Indian internet company

There is no big Indian internet company (non Ecommerce) because of the lack of foresight and vision of those in charge of the internet in India. These powerful people are only interested in enriching themselves and exploiting anyone who is talented and hardworking.
As soon as they find someone who is experienced, hardworking, and meritious, these greedy vicious powerful people try to destroy the persons life, in the hope that they can force that person to join their company. Every person the experienced webmaster knows or trusts is encouraged to betray the webmaster in the worst possible manner, to destroy her faith in human nature, the webmaster is subjected to organized stalking.

This mediocre treacherous person is given great powers and privileges for this act of betrayal, while the hardworking webmaster paying all the bills gets no support at all. In fact, all people believe the lies of the boastful backstabber, who is actually not doing anything, but only wants to greedily claim credit. The ultimate aim of these internet companies is to force the webmaster to form a company and teach the person who has viciously backstabbed her for free.

This arrangement which is supported by many Indian internet companies is very advantageous to the cruel vicious backstabber, who is given great rewards for his or her act of betrayal. However, anyone can see that this is exploiting the poor hardworking webmaster, who is always expected to agree to an extremely unfair agreement, wherein she gets nothing despite being the major contributor to the company. Without the backstabber the webmaster will still be able to earn money online, while the backstabber is unlikely to earn much money alone due to the lack of knowledge and skills.

When the betrayal is exposed

ipl bet

Betrayal is not morally correct and most “respectable” individuals realise that they will never be able to openly admit to betraying a person who trusts them. Most companies and individuals will betray their customer or some one who trusts them only because they think that person will not be able to hit back or the betrayal will not be exposed, as this would affect their image as a honourable and trustworthy person.

Unfortunately they do not realise that it is difficult to “fool all the people all the time”. An experienced webmaster had spent large amounts of money with a web hosting company. This web hosting company relied on one particular internet company for verifying the identity of the customer in India. Though the webmaster was a very big customer of the internet company, they falsely introduced their girlfriend (a Kim Kardashian look alike) to the webhosting company as the experienced webmaster. Now this girlfriend had nothing to do with the webmaster, had in fact arlier betrayed the webmaster, by misusing her name behind her back.

So though the webmaster was working hard to earn and spend the money, all credit, introductions and privileges were given to the girlfriend, who was not spending a single penny. So all the contacts and introductions had been stolen, the webmaster found it difficult to get assistance from the web hosting company, and started complaining openly. Now the webhosting company was surprised, they wondered “Why is the person who they had showered privileges on was complaining openly?”.

After an investigation, they found the Indian internet company they had relied on had betrayed the real webmaster and customer, they had introduced their girlfriend as the webmaster, the real webmaster had got nothing at all, despite so many years experience and spending so much money. It exposed the betrayal by both the internet company as well as the girlfriend of the webmaster, the complete lack of values.

Rewarded for betrayal

The Indian internet industry has some outwardly “respectable people”, but actually they are heartless animals without humanity, decency or conscience, no sense of right or wrong.
They take money from one webmaster, but continuously lie to her, backstab her, worship the ground on which the backstabber walks.
Spread the most malicious rumours about the webmaster, a figment of their perverted imagination, with not a grain of truth, just out of jealousy and malice.

Every person she trusts is encouraged to backstab her.
The more vicious the betrayal, the greater the rewards for the backstabber.
The backstabber is considered a heroine, a role model because of her lies, showered with privileges for her doublecrossing nature, these are their warped values.

And then they complain, she is not friendly, does not tell anyone anything, does not trust anyone.
When every person who she trusts is encouraged to betray her in the most vicious manner possible.
If she even talks to any one, that person is encouraged or threatened to make false accusations against her, just to ruin an innocent person’s reputation.
With every betrayal, a part of the person who is betrayed dies forever.
It is the murder of the person’s trust and emotions, but in this case the murderer remains unpunished.
Instead Indian internet companies adore and worship the murderer of a person’s trust, betrayal is a virtue, the murderer a role model.

Building a relationship takes time and effort.
Is it not hypocrisy of the highest order, repeatedly betraying a trusting person, and then still expecting her to trust others?
Why will she continue to trust people, only to get hurt again?
How many betrayals is a person expected to experience in her life?

Jaadu Tona mindset of the “high tech” Indian internet industry

The internet industry in India may claim to be high tech but many companies lack scientific temper . If a sufficient number of blackmailers and extortionists gang up to make defamatory allegations of payment against an entrepreneur without any proof,they are automatically considered to be saints telling the truth. These blackmailers and extortionists do not have any kind of evidence or proof of payment,yet they have powerful backers to support their lies, and their statement is used to pass judgement on a person’s character and business. It is very easy to make allegations without proof against an entrepreneur, just to earn some easy money.

Similarly any one who claims to be involved in a business, is assumed to be telling the truth, without verifying the facts with the business owner. At a later date, it is proved that the liar has nothing to with the business, but instead of sacking the liar, the internet companies will continue to protect and promote the liar at the cost of the business owner, who is their loyal customer.

Science and technology relies on evidence and proof, but some Indian internet companies rely on gossip, speculation, similar to mindset of uneducated people believing in Jaadu Tona (black magic/superstition) many centuries ago. They protect and encourage these blackmailers and extortionists who make these blatantly false allegations against their customers without any proof, betraying the trust of their customers, who spend their hard earned money with them. Why is the internet sector in India so different from the engineering and finance sector, where no one can make an allegation/claim without any proof?

Rewarding betrayal

How do you deal with treachery?
Some companies will not hire such people, others will promote them, it is a reflection of the companies ethics and value systems.

We know a person so crooked that she will betray even her own trusting sister along with her crooked husband, and subject her to identity theft by claiming credit for work she does not do.

For this treacherous behavior she was rewarded with great power and responsibility. She now has powers of surveillance over her sister, monitors all activities ,can intercept emails, postal mails get diverted
She is also given control an army of micro-chipped humans who can make her sisters life miserable.

These are companies who promote those who betray their loyal customers, their unofficial motto is “we love frauds and liars”.

The after effects of betrayal

While betrayal is always an unpleasant experience,the effect of the betrayal on the betrayed person depends to a very great extent on the relationship with the person who has betrayed you. If it is a business deal, it is relatively easier to handle the betrayal as the loss is mainly financial.

Many times employees or people you hire for work betray you soon after you have paid them or entrusted them with an important assignment. One way to deter/prevent this kind of betrayal is by making these associates sign a non disclosure agreement. It also makes it difficult to trust people in future and hire new employees /contractors.

However, when it is a relative or a close friend who betrays you , it changes the outlook of the betrayed person towards life in general. The person whose trust has been betrayed becomes extremely cynical, and will find it difficult to trust or even become friendly with anyone for the rest of his or her life.