Archive for trust

Kindness that destroyed my life – I


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Most people feel obliged to those who helped them get a job or work, however being kind to a cunning fraud housewife destroyed my life . This is a true story of how the shivalli brahmin bangalore cheater housewife nayanshreee hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar, former tata power special electronics division employee cheated, exploited and stole the resume of a single woman engineer who made the mistake of being kind and trusting the cunning ungrateful medicre brahmin cheater
I have a work at home website, and I was outsourcing content work to various freelancers. Nayanshree hathwar whose husband was working in tata power, mumbai and living in marol, andheri was one of the many who asked for work, I took pity on her and gave her work.Initially she was very prompt in replying , and grateful for the work given. She must have earned a lot of money, using the work to get more money from others. She also sent an invitation for the new house near florence high school  bangalore which she and her husband built with the money she got from me.

Later I found that the content she had provided did not pass copyscape, the rates she had charged were extremely high and for original content. However, she had cunningly sold the content to multiple buyers. After pocketing more than Rs 1,1 lakh, she now conveniently ignores all emails, smses trying to contact her or even get a clarification. She also appears to have a powerful gang of hackers and officials hiding behind her who specialize in sexually harassing, defaming, cheating and deleting files from the laptop of an engineer whose resume they want to steal for the mediocre lazy greedy cheater nayanshree.

I also did not know that my cunning powerful engineering college classmate P was infatuated with the good looking nayanshree for years. He cunningly pretended to know me very well so that he could shameless misuse my name, steal my resume for his darling nayanshree to get her a very lucrative governmemt job at my expense. Using the money that was paid to her as proof for copied work, he falsely claimed that she had done all the content work for my many websites, to get her a very lucrative government job controlling all export content in India . Today after exploiting me to the fullest extent to steal my resume and get very lucrative government jobs for his various mediocre girlfriends at my expense , the cunning cruel P refused to even reply.

Today the cunning semi literate brahmin cheater nayanshree who cannot even write in proper english , has no engineering degree , has supplied content which does not pass copyscape cheating an engineer of her hard earned money, has great powers over content in India and also has stolen the resume of an experienced engineer to get a very lucrative government job with the help of her powerful cunning cruel boyfriend P. She has become a walking talking symbol of the rot and corruption in the indian internet sector, how important jobs are reserved for well connected mediocre cheater brahmins who specialize in stealing the resume of experienced engineers .
Allegedly google, tata, paypal are supporting , protecting and rewarding the lazy greedy mediocre well connected cheater brahmin nayanshree hathwar with her stolen resume,. Today I find that all opportunities I deserved are stolen by the greedy cheater nayanshree, even magazines which I subscribe to are allegedly stolen by the google, tata sponsored brahmin cheater nayanshree who appears to have got the license to cheat without being punished. Due to open CASTEISM in india Bangalore cybercrime refused to take action against the brahmin cheater nayanshree , despite providing all proof. Even at Indiblogger the account/blog was approved, later they were disabled giving flimsy excuses allegedly due to the powerful companies and officials sponsoring cheater nayanshree.

These companies, officials and the hathwar clan have proved to be extremely inhuman greedy cheater frauds who pay lip service to corporate ethics, morals yet have no qualms ruthlessly cheating, exploiting and stealing a vulnerable harmless single woman engineer after sexually harassing her for years

My kindness to the cunning ungrateful bangalore BRAHMIN housewife nayanshreee was magic for her as she not could build a new house in bangalore with the money she ruthlessly looted from me, allegedly with the help of tata, google, paypal, the extremely mediocre housewife got a very lucrative government job in intelligence agencies stealing my resume, engineering degree, without knowing the abc of engineering due to casteism in India . Thus being kind to the ungrateful fraud brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad has proved to be the greatest mistake in my life
“I am participating in the #DilKiDealOnSnapdeal activity at BlogAdda in association with SnapDeal.”

Names may have changed, resemblance to any person is purely coincidental

No payment was received from Snapdeal or any company till date because allegedly Google, Tata, Paypal are treating the bengaluru brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar as a heroine for her section 420 cheating of a brilliant OBC engineer and have allegedly rewarded the shivalli brahmin cheater with a permanent job in R&AW for her fraud and complete lack of ethics, humanity


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Insurance against betrayal

Most people in India work hard to save money for their old age as they will not receive any pension if they are not government employees. However, due to casteism in India, people who are not well connected will find that their retirement savings of twenty years are stolen by government officials mostly brahmin without a court order or legal reason.
Single women are particular vulnerable to the defamation and theft of savings by these cruel greedy anonymous powerful officials as women are treated as second class citizens in most homes and have no other support in their old age.
These officials are always looking for a way to steal all the assets of an innocent person to become rich overnight
Hence purchasing life insurance will be one way to ensure that a person does not remain penniless for the rest of his or her life, especially if tthe rest of his or her life, especially if targeted by these greedy officials who can waste infinite tax payer money to harass an innocent person.

If the person has a family and is the sole bread earner, his or her responsibilities are even more, and purchasing the right insurance policy will ensure that his or her family can cover their living expenses even if the sole bread earner will fall sick or dies.
There are a number of insurance companies and the policies offered differ significantly depending on the financial goals of the person. It will be advisable to check the different insurance policy terms and conditions available to find the best option, older people will prefer a pension scheme which offers monthly payment.
Small business owners are often subjected to false cases by business rivals with the sole aim of leaving them penniless so that the assets of the business can be purchased at a low price. To ensure that the business owner has some security a suitable insurance policy will be recommended.

Fraud young woman rewarded for corporate espionage in Goa

Top secret course devised by the cunning diploma holder from goa siddhi mandrekar (name may have changed to avoid problems)

It helped that the fraud siddhi had some extremely powerful cunning cowardly dishonest relatives and friends who specialize in defaming innocent vulnerable single women engineers in the worst possible manner without any proof, to ruin her reputation wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money.

Trusting a charming good looking woman in a train turned out to be a very great mistake . People I meet and tell the story say that I was a victim of a very elaborate and well planned scam . Since April 2010, I had been a victim of an extremely vicious slander campaign without proof to ruin my reputation, later I found that the extremely powerful relatives of the charming good looking woman sufal were mainly involved in defaming me, spreading extremely malicious stories that my business was illegal without proof.

Sufal was a good story teller, she convinced me that she was very honest and respectable. I was looking for a person to help me in my work, and when I asked her if she knew anyone who could help, she offered to send her daughter siddhi in Goa to assist me. The first time she met me, the jeans clad siddhi appeared to be very sincere. However the second time she came, it appeared that she had been trained to commit the elaborate scam, probably told that she would get all my domain names if she succeeded.

The cunning siddhi then said that she wanted to work at home and needed to copy some files. Little did I know that she had copied an extremely sophisticated malware on the laptop which helps siddhi and her powerful associates to steal all files on the computer through the hidden wifi network of the government. A civilian like me cannot access or find any information about the top secret wifi network, only as a trained engineer I have concluded that a hidden wifi network has been used to steal data daily, even when the laptop will not be connected to the internet.

Not satisfied with the corporate espionage, the greedy cunning inexperienced lazy siddhi, her powerful friends and relatives allegedly falsely claims that she has done all the work for my business , owns my online export business to defame me socially and professionally, when actually she does not do any work or spend a single paisa on the business expenses. Why are greedy good looking young women like siddhi so devoid of morals , humanity, honesty and integrity that they behave so cheaply, want to falsely claim ownership of a business, when they cannot operate the bank account of the business.

My correspondence phone calls, smses, postal mail, emails are all allegedly diverted to her and her friends without a valid reason , who either demand a bribe or steal the correspondence as convenient.According to other online sources, the glamorous siddhi will retain her government job as she sleeps with powerful government officials, sleeping with powerful officials has become almost mandatory for women to get lucrative government jobs in the indian internet sector. Allegedly google has been hailing her as India’s kim kardashian for her willingness to use the casting couch to become rich and powerful overnight

Almost everyone can make phone calls to anyone they like in India , why are bloggers targetted for harassment in India denied their fundamental right? Can anyone explain why a fraud like siddhi mandrekar has been considered to be respectable and high status in indian society today despite cheating a woman who trusted her and making false claims regarding ownership of the online export business.

Today the fraud siddhi who cunningly commited corporate espionage has been rewarded for her fraud in Goa as she and/or her fraud associates steal data daily with the hidden wifi network . They make it extremely difficult for me to earn a living, wasting indian tax payer money for their personal or corporate goals, stealing mails, orders, leads, smses, demanding bribes, harassing anyone who tried to help me .

Any kind hearted volunteer who can find out about the software which the evil greedy cunning siddhi has been using to steal data, her office address in verna goa and facebook profile can be provided.

The ungrateful cheater housewife

At the first look, many people appear to be very nice and respectable, have a high status in society, yet they can cause never ending grief. A few years ago a young woman a housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar approached me asking for work. I did not have work for her initially yet I made a provision and gave her work, paying a very high rate for the work. She was very prompt in replying then when payment was being made. As I was being harassed, my revenues were affected and I stopped giving her work. In the meanwhile my retirement savings of twenty years were also stolen allegedly by powerful greedy government officials to blackmail me, waste my time and money searching for my savings.
As I started using the content provided by nayanshree hathwar, I slowly discovered that the content did not pass copyscape and was effectively worthless. Nayanshree who had been very prompt in replying earlier when she was receiving payment of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, even inviting me to the housewarming ceremony of her new house Chiguru, in BDA layout, Bangalore now conveniently refused to reply to emails,She had given two different mobile numbers contacting her on both her mobiles, sending smses, making phone calls did not help.
I even contacted bangalore cybercrime with all details of the fraud of nayanshree hathwar, yet I did not receive any reply. Powerful officials who had been ruthlessly harassing me for years without proof, wasting indian tax payer money, falsely claiming to be concerned about honesty, integrity, are showing their true colors as cunning ruthless hypocrites protecting and rewarding the cheater nayanshree hathwar for looting me, a harmless vulnerable single woman engineer of my hard earned money.

Today I try to contact everyone I know trying to get a reply from the ungrateful nayanshree hathwar who cheated me, wasting time and money. Tata power said that she was in Bangalore today the tata power office say that he is no longer with tata power. People at the Mumbai house at Military road, Marol, Andheri where she stayed confirmed that her husband guruprasad hathwar was working with tata power special electronics division, the house was taken on rent by Tata Power for their employee from one Mr Acharya. They also said that her husband guruprasad hathwar had taken a transfer to Bangalore and Mr Acharya was also in Bangalore.

I have tried to contact people in bangalore asking them if they can visit the address of nayanshree hathwar, yet most of them live too far away from the address which I have. I visited the karnataka bank branch to check if they could help me trace nayanshree hathwar, their account holder. They said that they reveal the details only if the police or income tax authorities request information. However the bank manager was kind enough to suggest that sending a legal notice was the best option. If anyone would like to help a single woman who has been cheated they can contact me.’

Later I learnt that my powerful engineering college classmate puneet who cunningly faked concern for me when he hated me , but was actually infatuated with the good looking cunning cheater nayanshree had falsely claimed that she was his engineering college classmate to fraudulently appoint her to an important government job at my expense. Actually the mediocre ungrateful nayanshree has no engineering degree or experience, yet due to the fake references of powerful puneet, everyone believes that the cheater nayanshree is actually an engineer. The cunning puneet has now shown his true colors refusing to even reply to me, after shamelessly claiming that a number of his mediocre friends have my experience, engineering degree, investment online, skills and work ethic.

The fraud of nayanshree hathwar has become very notorious online. On twitter when someone favorited the post that nayanshree hathwar had been pampered for cheating an IIt single woman engineer of her hard earned money, the powerful online censors who want people to think that their cheater friend/relative nayanshree is a honest saint who can do no wrong, were merciless in deleting the post. If they do not want any negative news posted online, nayanshree hathwar and her associates should behave honestly not cheat vulnerable women of their hard earned money, behave so cheaply to cause frustration. Can anyone explain why section 420 cheating has made nayanshree hathwar a VVIP in India?.

When complete strangers in both Mumbai and Goa can be so helpful to a single woman who has been cheated without getting anything in return, why has the treachorous housewife nayanshree hathwar behaved so ruthlessly , refusing to even reply to the single woman who paid her hard earned money to her. My ex colleagues at work who I have not met for more than a decade go out of their way to help me, they value relationships, getting nothing in return, yet why does the mediocre cheater nayanshree behave so arrogantly, destroying the relationship, after getting so much from a woman who trusted her .

I should never trusted, given work and paid nayanshree hathwar, she cheated me in the worst manner and the tears never stopped

Impersonation scam by cunning powerful jealous classmate

All indian and foreign companies should be aware of a major scam by dishonest greedy cunning powerful officials in the indian internet sector, who have been bribed allegedly by google, tata, paypal to humiliate, defame, exploit and cheat a hardworking online publisher, domain investor, engineer and webmaster, who was their classmate in engineering college. These cunning officials want to force their classmate a vulnerable single woman to form a company with their good looking lazy liar cheater greedy friends and relatives, and will stoop to any level to do so.

Hence they are abusing their powers and falsely claiming that these friends and relatives own the websites of the online publisher when these mediocre lazy liar chene publisher when these mediocre lazy liar cheater women do not spend a single paisa or do any kind of work. All companies who wish to be featured on the website or work with the experienced webmaster, engineer are redirected by these cunning dishonest powerful officials to their inexperienced lazy liar cheater friends and relatives as correspondence has been routed through them.

Thus due to nepotism, the well connected mediocre lazy friends and relatives get opportunities which they do not deserve, while the experienced webmaster has all the opportunities she deserved stolen from her, by her jealous powerful dishonest classmates, who are shamelessly misusing her name, to leave her penniless and defame her. These powerful men do not want to speak or reply to their classmate, then why misuse her name and betray all those who trust them.

Allegedly Ebay, Hostgator, Iwriter, the indian government has already been duped by these cunning dishonest powerful officials and their lazy liar cheater friends and relatives who shamelessly make false claims, to get credit for work they do not do, websites they do not manage or own. Now slowly companies are realizing the fraud and betrayal of the extremely powerful officials , that if they want a favorable review online or avoid negative publicity they should deal with real online publisher, not the frauds who are being extensively promoted by some of the largest companies and most powerful officials in the indian internet sector.

These powerful officials put harmless innocent webmasters and domain investors under surveillance for years, wasting indian tax payer money, falsely claiming that they are concerned about honesty and integrity. Yet these same cunning dishonest officials behave like section 420 cheaters, falsely claiming that their inexperienced mediocre lazy cheater friends and relatives were their experienced engineering college classmate, have invested a large amount online when their friends have not spent a single paisa online. Why does no one question these officials for their great fraud wasting indian tax payer money.

The unreasonable male fantasy of powerful men

The powerful men in the Indian internet sector hate an experienced single woman engineer and webmaster, yet these men want a stake in her business, since she is very innovative and hardworking. Hence they reward everyone who cheats, betrays or stalks her with a lucrative government which she deserved. They then expect her to form a company with the cheater , stalker or betrayer who is their girlfriend or relative as they have a very poor opinion of the single woman or it is their ultimate male fantasy to have the best of all worlds.
Their expectations from the single woman are very unreasonable, why should she
1. like the greeedy dishonest backstabbing ruthless cheater, who should actually compensate her for the fraud,
2. steals her important correspondence abusing her powers’
3. has been fraudulently appointed to important government jobs at her expense
4. attacks her repeatedly with directed energy weapons wasting tax payer money, ruining her health, out of hatred .
5, reward the cheater with a stake in her business, it will encourage everyone else to cheat her, making her life difficult
6, Has been blocking payment, delaying approval to harm her financially

Business partners are people who get along with each other, mutually respect, not hate each other, do everything to harm and destroy. Would anyone want to get into a tiger’s or cobra’s cage, and face certain death? Then why should she work again with a ruthless cheater like siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree, others and face certain death , even an interaction with these cheater women will be very dangerous for her. However much the men want the experienced woman to form a business with their young girlfriends, theirs is only a male fantasy, extremely unreasonable, as they have not bothered to have a long term relationship. The earlier they realize this, and stop bullying and harassing a vulnerable woman, the better,to save everyone’s time

The online assets of the single woman’s business can be purchased by paying the right price, not a person forced to form a partnership with a fraud or subjected to identity theft, with inexperienced frauds getting the experience, educational qualification and investment of the woman who they cheated as reward for fraud.

Betrayal of online exporters

Most countries offer many incentives for their exporters to increase their sales and revenues, which in turn helps the economy of the country to grow. However, in india at least a few online exporters, who are not well connected, are betrayed in the worst possible manner
1. False accusation and defamation without any proof
2. Surveillance for more than 4 years
3. theft of retirement savings
4. false rumours about the ownership of the business, with well connected lazy liar young women getting credit despite spending no money and doing no work.
5. identity theft attempts by manipulating records
6. denial of information and opportunities
7. repeated attacks using directed energy weapons without a valid reason, causing health problems like severe headaches, memory loss and insomnia, making it difficult to stay in one place, as powerful men who remain anonymous try to take over the business, by destroying the health of the exporter.

While well connected lazy young women who do not do any work, get powers and privileges at the expense of the real exporter because of their powerful friends and relatives, the hardworking exporter leads a terrible life, without even any fundamental rights, which every other law abiding citizen in India has. Thus being an online exporter in India may be lucrative for some, but has a lot of risks which few know about.

Misplaced priorities

In the internet sector there are only very limited resources available. why waste these resources, to make an experienced webmaster and domain investor penniless, monitor the real scammers instead. Admit that it is a unhealthy obsession, not going to result in any great gain.
Intentionally resources are wasted for non productive activities
1. monitoring all activities.
2. email theft
3. blocking payments – payments of even rs 100 are blocked to frame a innocent person,online exporter, that the business is illegal. but scammers looting Rs 4.5 lakhs go unpunished and undetected, since so many resources are wasted framing an innocent person.
4. sabotaging laptop
5. sabotaging websites
6. reducing page views
Why does no one realize the futility of framing an innocent person, while letting scammers scot free.

Wastage of technical talent by jealous narrow minded indian security forces

There is a great waste of technical talent in India by ill informed and prejudiced security forces, and no one in the online or offline media is questioning them about their extremely unreasonable behaviour, which is exploitation and discrimination of the worst kind, as they make wild allegations against innocent persons without any proof. Their behaviour is extremely unreasonable but no one tries to correct these big mistakes.

India is a poor country, but it wastes well qualified experienced technical talent, by having its powerful security forces label an innocent person as a terrorist or naxalite, without any proof or evidence at all. These jealous, greedy and cruel men will base their assumption solely based on their extremely prejudiced opinion about the lifestyle of the person, which does not take into account, that every person has a choice to spend his or her hard earned money as he or she wishes. Experienced women engineers are the worst affected as these ill informed men judge women exclusively on the basis of their appearance, and try to steal their identity.

These extremely powerful men who have the mental maturity of 5 year old kids start howling “beauty beauty” to justify the theft of the identity of an experienced engineer by a lazy young woman, who does nothing. The identity thief is a lazy inexperienced liar and fraud, whose greatest strength is that she comes from a powerful family or has seduced powerful men, whose actual contribution to the indian economy is zero. Yet these men, tata and google delude themselves that it is worth spending huge amount of resources promoting the crooked young identity thief, who will be considered a criminal in any other sector.

Instead of spending time defending the country against real enemies who cause damage to to the country, these powerful men, will waste resources like expensive equipment, tax payer money stealing all the opportunities available to the trained engineer, so that she is penniless, and has no work because all communication is stolen by intelligence agencies giving fake excuses of national security. All her postal mail, email, phone calls, smses, will be diverted and stolen by these greedy dishonest men and their associates to their young cheater girlfriends. These greedy cheater men will also steal a single womans savings of twenty years, giving flimsy excuses, making it impossible to buy a office, and then use the lack of office to promote their young cheater lazy girlfriends, who specialize in lies and corporate espionage.

These unreasonable men will claim that if she has any money, she will pose a threat to national security. When so much money is spent training her, why is additional money and resources spent wasting her experience. If a person of a particular caste is automatically a security threat in India today, why waste resources training the person?
Is it caste based discrimination that if a person from a certain caste does well, she will automatically pose a threat to national security? These cruel , jealous men have ogled at her for more than four years, without finding any proof to support their terrible allegations, but still insist on spreading false rumours defaming her

Can anyone explain the extreme waste of resources in India, caused by the massive ego of powerful men who want to destroy an innocent person’s life, only out of jealousy and hatred.

Daily betrayal of indian exporters

Indian intelligence agency officials have access to a lot of confidential information regarding backdoors and security flaws, hidden wifi networks. Unfortunately there is no regulation of the people who have access to the information, especially young dishonest greedy women who commit corporate espionage on online exporters.

To compound the problems, these dishonest young women and their associates will misuse the information to further sabotage the online exporter to waste time daily, by making unauthorised changes on the civilians laptop, resulting in waste of time daily. Offline these coward women like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, and their associates would never have the guts to damage private property as they would be quickly detected and legal action would be taken against them for damage to private property which is against the law.

However, online , protected by their powerful intelligence agency boyfriends, these dishonest young women and their associates are able to waste hours of an exporter daily, due to the unwanted changes in laptop while they continue to draw a salary from the government for their misdeeds. Even police are not allowed to damage property of private citizens without a valid reason because they dislike the person, and want to take over the business. Then why is siddhi mandrekar, daughter of sufal mandrekar, reis magos, verem, goa and her arrogant associates allowed to damage the laptop of a harmless citizen daily, without ever being punished?