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Dr Sheetal Ameta may have felt betrayed by her parents, brother

Unlike most other deaths of married women, in the case of social worker Dr Sheetal Amte, her in-laws claim that her parents, blood relatives were harassing her
One of the reasons why the death of Dr. Sheetal Amte was worth monitoring is because social workers are supposed to be kinder, more understanding than others. This is the reason why social workers have a high social status
Yet according to her in laws Shirish and Suhasini Karajgi she was harassed a lot by her own family, due to which her mental health was adversely affected.
Usually when a married woman who is less than 45 years dies unexpectedly, her parents, siblings, family will blame the inlaws, especially husband, his father, mother for the death, usually citing dowry or harassment.
In this case, it is the in-laws who are claiming that her blood relatives were harassing her, her parents, uncle had also issued a statement, that she had mental health problems and her death was allegedly linked to a dispute with her brother Kaustubh
Dr Sheetal Ameta may have felt betrayed by her parents, brother, resulting in mental stress
The death shows the break up of relationships within the family in India, people cannot even rely on their parents, sibling
Dr sheetal amte’s father in law Shirish Karajgi worked in the indian army and indian government according to his linkedin profile
there is also no media coverage of the exact allegations which Dr Sheetal amte was making
The Mainstream media has quickly forgotten the death of Dr. Sheetal Amte , there is almost no coverage of her death after the first few days

IAS Topper Tina Dabi’s divorce shows that relationships change, yet indian government refuses to end EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL fraud on goa 1989 jee topper

IAS Topper Tina Dabi’s divorce highlights the indian tech, internet sector, government ONLINE, FINANCIAL fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010
The marriage of IAS topper Tina Dabi with another IAS officer Athar aamir in 2018 was widely covered in the mainstream media in India, Yet in 2020, the mainstream media reported that they are getting divorced, and will lead separate lives, showing that relationships between people change.

This highlights the great financial, online, education fraud of the indian tech, internet sector, indian and state government on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, which are repeating the LIES of well paid fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees led by mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, parmar, who all HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, yet are allowed to MISUSE her name and get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, associates like the slim dog owning, hot pant wearing goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,robber,cheater housewife like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro. nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, naina’s lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan,ruchika kinge who do not spend any money on the domains, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the single woman engineer

After her divorce, Tina Dabi will be free to do whatever she wishes, her husband will not interfere in her life. In contrast the goa 1989 jee topper has not interacted at all with the well paid ntro/raw/cbi employees at all, she can legally prove it , yet indicating the high levels of FRAUD in the indian tech, internet sector, NTRO, raw the fraud raw/ntro employees, GREEDY SHAMELESS LIARS are falsely claiming to own the domains of a private citizen to get their lazy greedy sugar babies like sunaina chodan, associates like sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil, and other frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper

Engineers with a good JEE rank should be aware that R&AW/cbi will reward their relatives, especially sister or brother with jobs for ROBBING, CHEATING, BETRAYING them

Though the indian government officially claims that it wishes to end BRAIN DRAIN, the harsh reality is that the indian government is ruthless in its financial fraud on engineers with a good JEE rank.
For example the indian government is openly involved in a Rs 15 lakh annual financial fraud on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, falsely claiming that her relative who ROBBED, BETRAYED her, has her resume, savings, owns her domains including this one, bank account
The indian, madhya pradesh government is aware that the indore ROBBER raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, mahesh, does no computer work, does not invest money in domains like other google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees , yed BRIBED by google, tata the indian government is openly involved in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD duping people, companies and countries with fake stories of google, tata’s favorite indore robber housewife to justify the monthly government salary for tata’s favorite robber housewife

To get their lazy greedy SUGAR BABIES monthly government salaries, cunning LIAR NTRO/RAW employees FAKE their relationship with older women they HATE

Lazy greedy sugar babies of NTRO/R&AW employees do not want to spend any time writing, money so these FRAUD raw/ntro employees FAKE their relationship with older women they HATE to get their girlfriends monthly salaries
In one of the greatest online frauds of well paid powerful indian government employees especially NTRO/RAW employees led by the mhow monster puneet, their lazy greedy girlfriends and sugar babies like slim goan bhandari R&AW employee fraud sunaina chodan, cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, do not want to spend any time writing, money on computers, domains, webhosting and other expenses, yet want to get credit, monthly government salaries
So these cunning ntro/raw employees are FAKING their relationship with older single women domain investors, who they HATE, have never contacted any time in their life, only so that they can MISUSE her name, making FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly salaries for their real girlfriends at the expense of the older single woman domain investor, whose life they wish to destroy.
The well paid ntro/raw, google, tata employees are falsely claiming that owning a domain is a great privilege, when actually anyone including the LIAR tata employees can purchase any domain not registered for Rs 1000-1500 and do whatever they wish, develop a website or resell the domain. For developing a website, time is required for the content and other aspects, which the well paid tata employees are least interested in doing, and do not allow other indian citizens to develop without harassing and defaming them.

Domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time to expose the COMPUTER WORK, RELATIONSHIP, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the well paid ntro/raw employees

Unlike the well paid ntro/raw employees who get monthly salaries the domain investor, a private citizen is only paid for the work she does.
Yet because of the RELATIONSHIP FRAUD of the ntro/raw employees who continue to falsely claim that all their FRAUDS on the domain investor they HATE are HELP, the domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time daily, to expose the indian and state government fraud
Everyday at least 3-4 hours are being wasted because of this government fraud, yet the indian and state governments especially in goa are completely devoid of honesty and humanity, continue with the COMPUTER WORK FRAUD.
Unlike most relationship frauds, betrayals the domain investor has not interacted with the raw/cbi/ntro employees yet they continue with their FRAUD of MISUSING the name of the domain investor, resulting in CRIMINAL TRESPASSING and making FAKE CLAIMS of domain ownership

Before betrayal, EXPLOITATION, Actor Sushant Singh rajput was isolated

Actor Sushant Singh rajput’s death is covered extensively in the website network, because just like rhea chakraborty, the ntro/raw employees isolated the domain investor FAKED their relationship with domain investor who they actually HATED, only so that they could MISUSE her name and rob everything from her, including her resume, savings, correspondence and memory without being questioned to make themselves and their real girlfriends rich and powerful at the expense of the domain investor .
The actress rhea chakraborty was allegedly inspired by the modus operandi of the fraud ntro/raw employees to destroy the life of Actor Sushant Singh rajput. Like the ntro/raw employees who are robbing all the correspondence of the domain investor for the last ten years, to isolate her completely, rhea also isolated the actor completely.
His family members including his father could not contact him easily, for many months and almost all his staff was changed in the last one year by rhea, so that there was no one he could trust.

In the case of Actor Sushant Singh rajput, like the ntro/raw employees, rhea chakraborty also faked her relationship to steal everything

The case of Actor Sushant Singh rajput is covered extensively in the website network, because just like rhea chakraborty, the ntro/raw employees FAKED their relationship with domain investor who they actually HATED, only so that they could MISUSE her name and rob everything from her, including her resume, savings, correspondence and memory without being questioned.
Instead of showing hatred openly and attacking the domain investor OPENLY, so that she could defend herself, the CUNNING GREEDY CRUEL LIAR ntro/raw employees spread fake rumors that they were helping her, so that they could commit endless frauds on the domain investor without being questioned
Though the domain investor is protesting loudly, the indian government refuses to question its well paid LIAR employees and it was their great success, which inspired rhea chakraborty to destroy the life of Actor Sushant Singh rajput using a similar method

Mhow monster ntro employee puneet FAKED RELATIONSHIP only to rob everything, destroy the life of his btech 1993 ee classmate he HATED

One of the biggest frauds in India, is how the indian and state governments are justifying the EDUCATIONAL, COMPUTER WORK, ICANN, FINANCIAL FRAUD on a single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010, MAKING FAKE RELATIONSHIP stories with various LIAR SOCIOPATH FRAUD raw/ntro employees when there is no connection between the engineer and LIAR ntro/raw employees who are MISUSING her name

Like the IIT Kharagpur Anjali-Sundar pichai romance, the vrushali puneet college romance in india’s top engineering college was well known, and the single domain investor, engineer has no connection with any raw/cbi/ntro employees in college or afterwards, which can be legally proved, so they have no right to interfere in her life or misuse her name.
Yet being one of the greatest actors, frauds in India, the mhow monster ntro employee puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company, convinced everyone that the CYBERCRIME, FAKE CLAIMS was to help the domain investor, giving FAKE REFEENCES of a btech 1993 ee from a top college to all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like mba hr ruchika kinge, nayanshree hathwar,siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, naina chandan nd also encouraged a large number of greedy fraud R&AW/NTRO employees like j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, tushar parekh in following his footsteps to ROB the single domain investor of everything, make fake claims about the bank account, savings, domains, computer work, stealing her identity.

The FRAUD LIAR btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college is FALSELY justifying the IDENTITY THEFT, FINANCIAL, ONLINE, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD of the goa 1989 jee topper, their btech 1993 ee classmate, claiming that it is justified because she is owning domains. However the single woman engineer is a private citizen, she has not contacted anyone in the class in her life regarding domains , websites or online income, she is just like other domain investors in India. She purchased the domains alone and is working very hard to pay for the domain names, she is not getting any kind of help from others so these fraud engineers have no right to interfere in her life .

There are thousands of domain investors, writers in India, and almost all of them have got a graduate degree. their engineering or college classmates do not steal their identity or give FAKE REFERENCES of educational qualification, savings to SCHOOL DROPOUTS, CALL GIRLS and other frauds to get them all raw/cbi jobs just because these citizens have invested money in domains or are making money writing, there is no reason why the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college should be allowed to do so.

It is time that the indian, state government, fraud ntro/raw employees end their fake reference fraud at the earliest and stop EXPLOITING, CHEATING. DEFAMING the domain investor, single woman engineer. In addition to the FINANCIAL LOSSES, the government COMPUTER WORK FRAUD since 2010, has adversely affected the domain investor socially and professionally, resulting in burglary, criminal trespassing of her house, since the DISHONEST goa government refuses to accept the fact that she alone is doing the computer work, making money legally

24 hours escorts takes pity on ugly domain investor after she is betrayed by sociopath liar fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees

The sociopath liar fraud ntro/raw/cbi employees are involved in a massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the ugly older domain investor since 2010, falsely claiming that the domains including this one, are owned by the fraud robber liar cheater employees robber housewife riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, karan, son of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan (who looks like actress sneha wagh), when cbi/raw are aware that their well paid employees are not spending any money on domains at all.
To cover up the financial fraud, the cbi/ntro/raw employees are extremely aggressive in ensuring that the domain investor does not get advertising, increasing her losses, indicating their lack of humanity.
However, foreign security, intelligence agencies have realized the fraud, and some like 24 hours escorts are advertising, taking pity on the ugly domain investor. The escort agencies is aware that powerful and wealthy men are fascinated with beautiful women, will break all rules to keep them happy, which makes their business profitable and lucrative.

Mhow monster puneet perfected the art of faking a relationship with a person he hated, without contacting the person, to rob everything from the person

Many ntro/raw employees are interested in following the footsteps of the Mhow monster ntro employee puneet because he perfected the art of faking a relationship with a person he hated, without contacting the person, to rob everything from the person
He only shamelessly made fake claims, spread false rumors, and used his great charm, acting skills to rob everything from the hardworking single woman engineer to get all his girlfriends permanent raw/cbi jobs
He also created an atmosphere of fear so that no one would question the fraud for many years, why he and other ntro/raw/cbi employees are faking their relation with a person they do not even to talk to , MISUSING her name to make fake claims about their girlfriends, why they are not leaving her alone
The domain investor is wasting a huge amount of time to end their unwanted INTERFERENCE, MISUSE of name