Tag Archive for identity theft

Goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and her associates persuade almost all relatives to betray the domain investor

One of the reasons why the bhandari/obc community remains poor is that meritorious professionals, investors are betrayed by their relatives who they make the mistake of trusting, so that they do not get the income and opportunities they deserved and the community remains backward.
In contrast the rich and powerful communities like the shivalli brahmins, gujjus, sindhis, gsbs are always united, so that even frauds from the community like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm, are able to get away with their educational, financial fraud, resume robbery of faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, engineering, online experience, savings.
So though the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer had a much better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, since the bhandari leaders/officials do not help her fight the educational fraud of her brahmin cheater classmates , panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm and other fraud raw/cbi employees have robbed her resume, data to get lucrative government jobs
The brahmin officials/leaders are expert at manipulating the people from the poorer communities, the domain investor was indirectly told that a relative will betray her if remains in another city for a longer period of time, robbing her resume, savings for his sister, so the domain investor realized that there are very few people she can trust

Cunning cruel POWERFUL LIAR NTRO employees FAKE relationships with women engineers they hate to RUTHLESSLY ROB them for 9 years

It can be legally proved that LIAR NTRO, RAW, cbi, security agency employees duping people, countries with FAKE CLAIMS about prostitute, robber, cheater R&AW/cbi employees in a classic case of abuse of power in India, which the indian mainstream media refuses to cover.
Led by the Cunning cruel fraud brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow monster puneet, indore fraud j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel, parekh, the NTRO employees FAKED THEIR RELATIONSHIP with a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor only to RUTHLESSLY ROB HER of everything like her retirement savings, memory , correspondence, resume to get their 10 lazy greedy fraud prostitute, robber, school dropout, cheater housewife , fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity, causing very great losses, ruining her life completely

If the NTRO employees were honest about their hatred for the engineer, their bosses, or seniors who authorize the wastage of indian taxpayer money for defaming, harassing, cheating and exploiting the engineer for 9 years since 2010, would have told them to leave the engineer alone, since she is a harmless indian citizen, who has not interfered in their life and is not breaking any law. So these these cruel fraud ntro employees had their associates make fake allegations without any legally valid proof to defame the engineer, and then faked their relationship, help for google competitor only to RUTHLESSLY ROB HER

Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case for loss of income

The cruel cunning fraud NTRO employees started making their fake allegations in 2010, and if they really wanted to help the engineer, they should have left her alone in 2013-2014, when they could not find any evidence at all. Yet led by the extremely cruel fraud mhow monster puneet, the ntro employees continued to FAKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP so that they could misuse her name, and ROB HER of everything until the engineer exposed the fact that NTRO was openly involved in a massive banking fraud since 2010.

The cruel mhow monster brahmin cheater puneet is making fake excuses of ease of access to justify his endless frauds, when the engineer can be accessed on skype, and is at home, usually every day. The fact is that cowardly cruel brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet like other ntro employees j srinivasan, parekh, parmar, vijay, patel, do not have the courage, honesty and humanity to face the engineer directly because they are aware of the fact that they will never be able to justify their endless atrocities on her in an open debate/discussion.