Archive for tech

Income tax refund exposes how OBC engineers with good JEE rank are cheated,exploited by obc/bhandari leaders

In all communities, the leaders and officials are helping engineers with a good JEE rank get the income and opportunities they deserved, Even though panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, whose fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, 2005 bbm, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, haryana cheater mba ruchita kinge and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees did not answer JEE , did not study engineering , the dishonest greedy LIAR officials/leaders from their community are helping these frauds in FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, their resume, savingsto get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector.
In contrast the bhandar/obc/dalit leaders/officials allegedly led by goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar/naik are extremely vicious in destroying the life and reputation of bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank, making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof to deny the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved.
Additionally the dishonest bhandari leaders/officials led by led by goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar/naik are openly involved in EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that their lazy greedy CALL GIRL relative panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who was not even born in 1989 to give JEE has the impressive resume, savings of a single non-goan bhandari engineer, migrant from north karnataka to get the panaji CALL GIRL great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
According to domain investors on forums, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan has got a government job only because she is the pet panaji CALL GIRL of top government employees allegedly j srinivasan and others from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, shameless greedy goan cheater sunaina does not pay for domains and does not do any computer work like the other fraud raw/cbi employees. Like the other shameless panaji greedy goan, sindhi scammers, goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan has not lived in a metro city, she has lived in goa almost her adult life.
Yet showing how dishonest the bhandari/obc/dalit officials are in supporting panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan in her EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD, it appears that almost all the banks in india have been persuaded to support panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan in her educational, financial fraud, faking ownership of sbi mumbai bank account. Earlier the refund was being paid to the SBI account, this year the refund was credited to the co-op bank account

Indian tech,internet sector betrays domain investors, rewards goan call girls,cheater housewives and other frauds

In all sectors, the companies have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the investors, professionals who have invested their time and money in the sector.
Only in the tech and internet sector,the cheater companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant refuse to acknowledge the investor,professional spending her time and money online and are making up fake stories about cheater housewives like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan call girls like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan and other frauds who these shameless cheater companies are aware do not spend time and money online, only ROB data of a single woman engineer, domain investor to make fake claims and get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
Showing how shamelessly these top tech and internet companies will LIE to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD on small online business owners, these CHEATER companies and the LIAR government employees on their payroll are also spreading fake rumors that greedy government employees who do not pay expenses are paying for the domains, expenses,when these CUNNING CHEATER tech, internet companies are fully aware that government employees have never ever paid for domains in their life and this can be legally proved.
While the fake rumors, financial fraud is extremely convenient for the cunning cheater raw/cbi employees and their fraud boyfriends, the real domain investor whose data is robbed by the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees is making huge losses forcing the domain investor to complain against the lies of the top tech, internet companies and government agencies,.
Panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, like goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does not have a computer at home, yet showing ruthlessly top tech and internet companies are cheating, exploiting, robbing hardworking migrants from north karnataka, to bribe the top government officials, who are boyfriends of the fraud raw/cbi employees, for more than 12 years, the tech, internet companies and government agencies are robbing the data of the real domain investor to make fake claims about the greedy goan and other fraud raw/cbi employees to get them monthly government salaries, great powers

Internet,tech sector betrays webmasters, punishing them for the crimes of hackers

FRAUD haryana, hyderabad hackers hacking computers of harmless webmasters and falsely labelling them criminals, getting jobs for lazy greedy young frauds like telugu trisha
In one of the greatest extortion rackets which the mainstream media refuses to cover, FRAUD hyderabad hackers hacking computers of harmless webmasters to get control of the computer, misuse it to commit crimes. Then these cunning cheater hackers are falsely labelling the harmless webmasters criminals to cheat exploit and rob them when actually the hackers are the criminals,hacking computers of harmless citizens and misusing them to commit crimes.
After falsely labelling the harmless webmaster who they hacked as criminals,these hyderabad, haryana hackers , getting government jobs for lazy greedy young frauds like short slim architect telugu trisha,.goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge, who do not spend any time doing computer work at all,in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD .
The internet, tech sector betrays the webmasters holding them responsible for the crimes of the hackers who are actually causing harm, falsely labelling the webmasters as criminals to exploit, rob them and refusing to take action against the hackers who have the tools, expertise for hacking computers, servers remotely

Internet sector betrays some online workers, investors with government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010

There are many farmers children,poor people working as caretakers, waiters in hotels, construction workers and doing other low end work. They are not educated, often speak only hindi, cannot write and cannot read, understand english. They often cannot even understand their bank statement and the smses they receive on their smartphone. Yet in all other sectors, these workers, are paid the salary which they are promised every month for the work they do, the time they spend, usually between Rs 20000- Rs 25000 per month. Their employer also reimburses all the expenses they incur while working.
In contrast the shameless greedy liar top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, cognizant are extremely ruthless in running a massive work at home, government SLAVERY racket, FINANCIAL FRAUD on small online business owners since 2010, having 5 GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR states madhya pradesh,haryana,goa, gujarat, karnataka criminally defame the online business owner and then get no work, no investment government jobs for the lazy greedy fraud friends, relatives and associates of the liar top government employees.
Though the fraud top tech and internet companies are aware that the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram cheater mba ruchita kinge, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammers are not paying any expenses like their powerful friends, relatives especially from btech 1993 class of iit bombay since only FRAUDS flourish in the indian internet sector all the LIAR tech, internet companies continue their credit card, financial fraud making up fake stories about payment of expenses so the online worker, investor is making great losses.
The fraud top tech and internet companies are also aware that greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram cheater mba ruchita kinge, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, indore cheater deepika/veena, sindhi scammers, other raw/cbi employees are also not doing any computer work, yet showing that CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, SLAVERY levels are the highest in the internet sector, government agencies, tech and internet companies, continue to make completely fake claims about the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees while refusing to acknowledge the online investor, worker who is spending her time daily since 2010.
Though the caretakers, waiters, construction workers are semiliterate like the indian internet sector favorite sindhi sex service provider cbi employee panaji school dropout housewife naina premchandani, their employers have the honesty and humanity to pay them the salary which was promised every month since they spend their time working.
Only in the indian internet sector, SHAMELESS LIAR top internet, tech companies led by google are making up fake stories about goan call girls like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, sindhi scammers, housewives and other frauds who are not spending any time doing computer work and are not paying any expenses at all, yet government salaries as part of the massive BRIBERY racket while the fraud indian tech, internet companies refuse to acknowledge the online investor paying expenses and spending time daily doing computer work.

This clearly shows that cheating, exploitation, government SLAVERY rackets are the highest in the indian internet sector, with LIAR top tech, internet companies ruthless in their endless frauds,betrayal of online investors, workers treating them far worse than other industry sectors like hotels, caretaker agencies, contractors who have the honesty, humanity to acknowledge the semiliterate workers who they hire and pay them monthly salaries for the work they do, spending their time.

The cheater tech and internet companies only criminally defame the online worker, investor to falsely give credit , get salaries for goan CALL GIRLS, cheater housewives and other frauds like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana fraud ruchita kinge,pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani who do no computer work, do not pay expenses.

Get paid to listen to “Smooth Operator” song on how charming conmen cheat single women

Get paid to listen to “smooth operator” the song which has allegedly inspired charming conmen top indian government employees to loot single women using the Mode app on your smartphone

“smooth operator” is a song by the British Nigerian singer Sade from 1984 debut album about a high class conman cheating a large number of women
Though government agencies label all the content as spam, it is based on facts which can be legally proved checking the income returns of the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees who never paid any domain expenses, never did any computer work at all,yet get monthly government salaries because their powerful greedy boyfriends like the cheater puneet are smooth operators, conmen cheating hardworking single women,robbing their data to get no work no investment government jobs for their real girlfriends like the greedy gujju stocktrader amita patel, haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan in new jersey and pune axe bank manager nikhil, california architect kalpana nayak, panaji gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro
Though the greedy gujju stocktrader amita patel has a net worth of more than Rs 100 crores, haryana human monster gurugram cheater optum human resources manager ruchita kinge is extremely wealthy having staycations in 5 star hotels, with daily room rent of Rs 7000, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena like panaji gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro is extremely wealthy with a networth of more than Rs 15 crores, they refuse to legally purchase domains,pay domain expenses, rely on their “smooth operator” high class conmen boyfriends working in indian government agencies to continue their domain ownership fraud and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the hardworking single woman
Similarly bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, tata power employee guruprasad, and does not do any computer work like ,goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan in new jersey and pune axe bank manager nikhil, california architect kalpana nayak, panaji gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, other fraud raw/cbi employees, yet the cunning cheater “smooth operator” liar top indian government employees, who are the greatest conmen in the worldwide are duping people, countries and companies worldwide with fake stories about their lazy greedy girlfriends associates, to get the monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer, worker spending time in a case of government SLAVERY
Now to cover up the massive online, financial fraud, government SLAVERY, these cheater government employees are blocking all orders, so the domain investor is listening to radio stations. One of the songs which is being played repeatedly is “Smooth Operator” about a high class conman who is cheating a large number of women like the cheater top indian government employee puneet has since 2010
Though the endless frauds of the government employees can be legally proved, the government refuses to take action, making them “smooth operators” who commit great financial fraud and get away without being punished
Help a victim of “smooth operator” CHEATER top indian government employees listening to the song on TikTok radio using the Mode app

Ankita bhandari case shows how ruthless top government employees are in exploiting,betraying domain investors to get call girls government jobs

The ankita bhandari case showed that most businesses and people will at least offer some money to the call girls they supply to the vip guests. Hotelier pulkit arya was allegedly offering ankita bhandari Rs 10000 extra for massaging a vip guest which she refused leading to her death.
Yet the indian and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are running a massive sex, bribery racket in the indian internet sector to avoid paying the call girls from their million dollar profits. They are falsely marketing the goan call girls they supply to top indian government employees , like siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who do not invest any money in domains ( and other frauds like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad), do not do computer work, as online, experts, domain investors to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, who is slandered in the worst manner to cover up the sex, bribery racket in a case of government SLAVERY
Showing the ruthlessness of the tech,internet companies in cheating, exploiting small online business owners, the government SLAVERY racket has continued since 2010, so the domain investor does not have money to purchase any expensive laptop. yet the complaints of a large number of online shoppers shows that online shopping is used to mentally harass a large number of online shoppers, mentally torturing them is a lucrative game,
Instead of supporting the domain investors, investing their hard earned money in domains, top government officials allegedly bribed by top internet companies, google,tata are exploiting, cheating and robbing the domain investors, falsely claiming that the domains belong to their girlfriends, call girls, and sugar babies, so that the call girls get government jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the domain investor, who is slandered in the worst manner.

Indian internet sector betrays investors refusing to question LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar on his onions domain fake cheating

Though the indian government continues to waste indian taxpayer money paying a monthly government salary to kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil only because top LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar licks the feet of naina, it can be legally proved that LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar making 100% FAKE ALLEGATIONS of cheating for the onions domains, when he cannot even name his LIAR FRAUD friends, who falsely claim that they paid for the domain.
It is an indication of how LIAR FRAUD officials like parmar are allowed to run amok in the indian internet sector, criminally defaming innocent hardworking citizens, domain investors, that Google, tata, indian internet refuses to ask LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar, his associate bhavik t the name of his LIAR FRIENDS making onions domain cheating allegations
If the single woman domain investor has not cheated anyone, can google, tata, indian internet sector, explain why top officials and companies are criminally defaming her, and why she should tolerate the criminal defamation of the LIAR officials DUPING people, companies and countries with fake stories of cheating, to ruin the reputation of an innocent person
Though a large number of people, companies and countries were DUPED by the complete LIES of the fraud greedy gujju ntro employee parmar, people should be aware that LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar and his fake onion domain cheating allegations are one of the greatest online frauds in history, no one ever paid the private citizen for the domain, though scammer powerful parmar continues to make fake claims .
The Indian internet sector betrays domain investors refusing to question LIAR FRAUD SHAMELESS gujju NTRO employee parmar on his onions domain fake cheating allegations, criminally defaming innocent persons

Fraud LIAR Google, tata, indian internet companies, government agencies treat indian paypal account holders worse than maidservants, cheating, exploiting them

While the mainstream media is carrying the news of any injustice or atrocities on maidservants in india, showing the extreme DISHONESTY, GREED, lack of morals of the indian government, internet sector, intelligence and security agencies, Fraud LIAR Google, tata, indian internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi continue to treat indian paypal account holders worse than maidservants, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains, own the domains, paypal, iwriter, bank account of a private citizen, the real paypal account holder in a BANKING FRAUD, to get all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder
In all other sectors, including housework done by maidservants, the government and people will acknowledge the citizen who is spending their time doing the work, yet indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata are such GREEDY SHAMELESS FRAUDS, LIARS that they are openly involved in government slavery since 2010 and the indian, state government refuse to acknowledge the person who is doing the computer work, instead making fake claims about google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees, in at least 5 states, goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharastra for the last 11 years since 2010
Since the google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees are not interested in doing computer work, do not have the skills, there is no reason why the indian and state government should make fake claims, to give them credit, monthly government salaries.
Yet google,tata are so ruthless in their government slavery, that they they continue to make fake claims about the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees so that they get a monthly government salary only for making fake claims of bank account, criminally defaming the hardworking skilled citizen actually doing the computer work
Before security agencies comment on the website content, they should explain why some indian paypal account holders are treated worse than maidservants, criminally defamed by government agencies like ntro, raw, cbi making fake claims about their bank account, since 2010 in a case of government slavery which ILO, united nations should be aware of.

Fake team stories used to run greatest government slavery racket in the world

There is no logical reason why the indian and state governments should falsely associate high status well connected lazy greedy frauds with hardworking single women professionals when the high status frauds are not on talking terms, have not contacted for more than 5 years, other than issuing death threats or similar threats
Yet indicating worsening status of educated single women in india, Only hardworking single women paypal account holders from powerless communities targetted for government slavery since 2010 with government agencies making up FAKE TEAM stories to deny the hardworking single woman the income and opportunities she deserved, ruining her reputation completely
In one of the greatest government work at home frauds in the world, ntro/raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming that the single woman who they have isolated completely so that she actually has no one to help her, has a large team who are doing the computer work, in a clear case of criminal defamation, CHEATING EXPLOITATION of the single woman to give all the lazy greedy fraud fake team members monthly raw/cbi salaries only for FAKING computer work, while the single woman actually doing the computer work is not getting anything.

Some FRAUD LIAR indian internet companies are ruthless in destroying the life of their customers

Most professional companies value their customers and help their business to grow. However one of the close kept secrets of the indian internet sector, is how some high profile internet companies are destroying the life of their loyal customers, stealing the identity of these customers to get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced friends, relatives and associates permanent R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of their customers

Most investors who have worked in engineering, non-IT and non-internet sector, cannot even imagine that the company they have spent so much money with will be so vicious in destroying their life. However the harsh reality is that the officials associated with one of the most high profile indian internet companies are shameless LIARS and frauds getting raw/cbi jobs for all those who cheat, rob, defame and exploit their loyal customers

These fraud indian internet companies will systematically deny information to some customers, isolating these customers. However they have no qualms at all, in shamelessly misusing the name of the customer, stealing the correspondence of the customer, to get lucrative assignment from large internet companies like google, yahoo and others.

The officials associated with the internet companies are also extremely vicious in defaming and destroying the reputation of their loyal customers, making up completely fake stories of cheating to defame the customer, and then refusing to provide any details of the fake allegations so that the customer can defend herself FALSELY CLAIMING TO HELP. however these fraud officials are repeating the fake defamatory allegations of their associates

These fraud ntro employees think that just because their blackmailer fraud liar associates have made completely fake allegations, the innocent customer will accept them, and tolerate being exploited for the rest of her or his life. In reality the customer never asked these fraud officials to interfere, she is fully capable of defending herself, since she is not interacting with many people and does not cheat people, like the fraud officials and cheater internet companies