Tag Archive for goodwill

Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet ruthlessly exploited the goodwill of his btech 1993 ee classmate to betray her

Most people trust and are fond of their school and college classmates especially when they spent 3 or 4 years in the same class
Yet in one of the worst cases of betrayal, the cunning fraud light eyed fair skinned mhow cheater ntro employee took advantage of all the goodwill he had with his btech 1993 ee classmate, a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her for more than 7 years,falsely claiming to help

The engineer was at a great disadvantage because the indian government allowed him and his associates to use the most hitech torture methods on the harmless single woman engineer like memory reading, voice to skull technology and aerial surveillance, using million dollar equipment purchased with indian tax payer money. they would use the techniques perfected by fraudsters like making promises, asking the victim to be patient and denying information

Only after 7 years of being tortured, the engineer realized that tomorrow was never going to come for the mhow cheater puneet, she finally realized that he was a fraud and liar who ruthlessly cheated her to help his real girlfriends , boost his career getting raw/cbi jobs for his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, indore fraud veena who were too lazy to answer JEE, work as engineers and online, save some money, while the engineer works like slave without getting any money .