Archive for betrayal

Faking help when they are criminally defaming

Instead these fraud liar ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, fraud companies google, tata are involved in a massive online, banking fraud, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced call girl, cheater, robber girlfriends and relatives who do no computer work at all, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get all their girlfriends monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any computer work, without investing any money online at all.

Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case

When the ntro employees making the fake allegations do not have the courage, honesty and humanity to contact the domain investor and provide the proof against her, so that she can defend herself, on what basis are they repeating the complete lies of their associates.

Just like in De De Pyar De, the LIAR ntro employees are hiding their ROMANCE making fake claims that their girlfriends were experienced engineers

Like in the movie De De Pyar De, the LIAR ntro employees are hiding their ROMANCE with good looking women making fake claims of a professional relationship, that these women were experienced engineers for 9 years to get them all raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real engineer who is criminally defamed, her correspondence robbed so that no one questions the relationship. NTRo employees are also faking their relation with the domain investor

For world entertainment indian government has produced the worlds top sugar daddy romance starring top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees
The movie de de pyar de starring ajay devgan, rakul preet singh, tabu is probably inspired by the tata directed india’s government sugar daddy romance, in which middle aged men fall in love with good looking call girls and other women half their age
The Ajay Devgan starrer movie De De Pyaar De highlighted a major fraud of middle aged indian men who are infatuated and having affairs with young women who are half their age. In the movie Ajay devgan’s character Ashish hides his sexual relationship with Aisha, half his age, falsely claiming that she is his secretary to his family and others when he comes to India

The indian media carries review of the movie no one is carrying any news of the Indias government’s most famous, real life sugar daddy romance, which is entertaining intelligence agencies worldwide since 2010, This is because the corrupt inefficient indian government insists that the relationship between the NTRO employees and their girlfriends who they got raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of a single woman engineer is only professional, when it is clear and can be legally proved that the relationship is ONLY PERSONAL, OF SEXUAL ATTRACTION

Funded by the indian taxpayer (without their official permission)

Directors : Pimp google, tata employees who also supply call girls to government employees

Starring NTRO, R&AW, security, cbi, top indian security employees, sugar babies and sugar daddies listed below
slim sunaina chodan- j srinivasan
riddhi nayak caro (solange, kangana ranaut look alike) – vijay
nayanshree hathwar – puneet
naina = parmar, parekh and nikhil sha
siddhi mandrekar – btech 1993 ee class + top indian security agency employees
asmita patel – patel
ruchika – puneet
deepika – puneet

The attraction is purely personal, to cover up the romance, these ntro employees are falsely claiming that the relationship is professional, and their lazy greedy girlfriends are online experts, domain investors owning this and other domains with the help of the pimp, google, tata employees so that they get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money at the expense of the the real domain investor who is broke

The censor board has passed the De De Pyaar De without any cuts, yet NTRO continues to harass, defame, cheat and torture the real domain investor for document their romance with their real girlfriends, who are more than twenty years younger than them. the movie is at least honest, in real life, the indian government continues to be in denial,and the domain investor complaining is falsely labelled a security threat for exposing the NTRO employee’s romance

Many people are flocking to watch the movie, yet when the domain investor is documenting NTRO employees romance with good looking younger women which is very similar, she is falsely labelled as a spammer and security threat

In reality she is only exposing the fact that the LIAR NTRO employees are covering up their ROMANCE with younger women who do not spend any money on domains, falsely claiming that they are domain investors, defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor in the process.

R&AW/cbi refuse to verify the identity of their lazy greedy fraud employees who they falsely claim are domain investors

When the domain investor goes to a mutual fund company and asks for her account statement the staff who is usually a look alike of the google, tata sponsored domain fraudster sex service provider gujju raw/cbi employees asmita patel, naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh , will ask for the identity proof before taking a printout of the account statement.,The account statement is of no value , yet the mutual fund staff in goa is asking for id proof

yet in massive SEX, bribery racket, banking fraud masterminded by google, tata the indian government is refusing to verify the identity of the 10 google, tata supplied goan call girl, cheater housewife, document robber, fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership for more than 9 years since 2010, yet wasting indian taxpayer money paying all these frauds who have never invested any money on domain names a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke

The indian, state government, NTRO, raw, cbi, security agencies are also involved in a massive online financial, domain fraud, violating all international laws duping people, companies and countries that 10 lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a single woman engineer, google competitor and domain investor in a clear case of government defamation of the hard working engineer

The amount spent on the mutual fund investment in goa is not very large, yet the staff at the mutual fund is asking for identity proof in goa. On the other hand the domain investor has spent a massive amount of money on the domain names, she is paying a huge amount on renewals, yet in a clear case of massive indian government fraud since 2010, indian government, NTRO, raw, cbi refuse to verify the identity of the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership, yet falsely claim to own the domains of a private citizen to get a monthly government salary

There is no reason why the domain investor should tolerate the government financial fraud, defamation further.

Cunning cruel brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet FAKED help only to ruin reputation, destroy the life of harmless single woman engineer

Unlike the 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girl, cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, the domain investor, google competitor was also a very experienced engineer who had worked for 8 years, in different companies before she started her business, she is fairly competent technically and can manage all the tech requirement for any sme herself without any help at all.

She was considered very competent technically and could manage all her computer systems herself she did not require or ask anyone for help unlike the call girl, fraud raw/cbi employees . Yet in a massive fraud masterminded by google, tata , Cunning cruel fraud brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan and other frauds faked help for the engineer, doing small tasks which she had never asked them to, and then stole everything from her like her correspondence, memory, resume, savings without a court order or legally valid reason.

When the engineer is protesting against the robbery, the ntro employees are falsely labelling her a security threat, The memory robbery is causing insomnia daily adversely affecting her health. The cunning fraud ntro employee puneet also used the fake help to misuse the name of the engineer, make fake claims that his various lazy greedy mediocre fraud girlfriends who were not spending any time at all, were associated with the engineer, to defame the engineer, ruin her reputation and get all his girlfriends raw/cbi jobs.

The engineer did not require any help at all, yet the fraud liar puneet faked help so that he could defame her to the maximum extent possible, ROB her to the maximum extent to boost his own career, and destroy her life.

Cunning cruel POWERFUL LIAR NTRO employees FAKE relationships with women engineers they hate to RUTHLESSLY ROB them for 9 years

It can be legally proved that LIAR NTRO, RAW, cbi, security agency employees duping people, countries with FAKE CLAIMS about prostitute, robber, cheater R&AW/cbi employees in a classic case of abuse of power in India, which the indian mainstream media refuses to cover.
Led by the Cunning cruel fraud brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow monster puneet, indore fraud j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel, parekh, the NTRO employees FAKED THEIR RELATIONSHIP with a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor only to RUTHLESSLY ROB HER of everything like her retirement savings, memory , correspondence, resume to get their 10 lazy greedy fraud prostitute, robber, school dropout, cheater housewife , fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity, causing very great losses, ruining her life completely

If the NTRO employees were honest about their hatred for the engineer, their bosses, or seniors who authorize the wastage of indian taxpayer money for defaming, harassing, cheating and exploiting the engineer for 9 years since 2010, would have told them to leave the engineer alone, since she is a harmless indian citizen, who has not interfered in their life and is not breaking any law. So these these cruel fraud ntro employees had their associates make fake allegations without any legally valid proof to defame the engineer, and then faked their relationship, help for google competitor only to RUTHLESSLY ROB HER

Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case for loss of income

The cruel cunning fraud NTRO employees started making their fake allegations in 2010, and if they really wanted to help the engineer, they should have left her alone in 2013-2014, when they could not find any evidence at all. Yet led by the extremely cruel fraud mhow monster puneet, the ntro employees continued to FAKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP so that they could misuse her name, and ROB HER of everything until the engineer exposed the fact that NTRO was openly involved in a massive banking fraud since 2010.

The cruel mhow monster brahmin cheater puneet is making fake excuses of ease of access to justify his endless frauds, when the engineer can be accessed on skype, and is at home, usually every day. The fact is that cowardly cruel brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet like other ntro employees j srinivasan, parekh, parmar, vijay, patel, do not have the courage, honesty and humanity to face the engineer directly because they are aware of the fact that they will never be able to justify their endless atrocities on her in an open debate/discussion.

Powerful fraud gujju and other officials think cheating, exploiting women is their birthright

Usually in india, no one falsely claims to own the bank account of another person, especially if they are not on talking terms with the person who is well educated, since they have not opened the bank account and cannot operate it.

Yet as part of the google, tata masterminded paypal, online, financial, banking fraud, powerful liar gujju officials like parmar, patel, parekh, puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, think that cheating and exploiting any woman is their birthright, and falsely claim that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends like sneha wagh look alike gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina, with no online income of their own, own the bank account of a single woman engineer.

When the engineer is protesting about the banking, financial fraud on her,these cunning officials are trying to cover up their fraud, by circulating defamatory videos, photos, having their associates file fake cases, and spreading false defamatory rumors to mislead her associates, friends and family members.

However the gujju and other officials fail to realize that they can affect her, only if she cares for their opinion, however after continuing with their lies and fraud for 9 years, she has realized that they are liars and cheaters, she does not respect or care for them, they can circulate any videos, photos, why should she care. It is clear example of banking fraud by ntro employees.

Some FRAUD LIAR indian internet companies are ruthless in destroying the life of their customers

Most professional companies value their customers and help their business to grow. However one of the close kept secrets of the indian internet sector, is how some high profile internet companies are destroying the life of their loyal customers, stealing the identity of these customers to get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced friends, relatives and associates permanent R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of their customers

Most investors who have worked in engineering, non-IT and non-internet sector, cannot even imagine that the company they have spent so much money with will be so vicious in destroying their life. However the harsh reality is that the officials associated with one of the most high profile indian internet companies are shameless LIARS and frauds getting raw/cbi jobs for all those who cheat, rob, defame and exploit their loyal customers

These fraud indian internet companies will systematically deny information to some customers, isolating these customers. However they have no qualms at all, in shamelessly misusing the name of the customer, stealing the correspondence of the customer, to get lucrative assignment from large internet companies like google, yahoo and others.

The officials associated with the internet companies are also extremely vicious in defaming and destroying the reputation of their loyal customers, making up completely fake stories of cheating to defame the customer, and then refusing to provide any details of the fake allegations so that the customer can defend herself FALSELY CLAIMING TO HELP. however these fraud officials are repeating the fake defamatory allegations of their associates

These fraud ntro employees think that just because their blackmailer fraud liar associates have made completely fake allegations, the innocent customer will accept them, and tolerate being exploited for the rest of her or his life. In reality the customer never asked these fraud officials to interfere, she is fully capable of defending herself, since she is not interacting with many people and does not cheat people, like the fraud officials and cheater internet companies

Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet faked his relationship only to destroy engineering classmates life

If the cruel fraud mhow cheater ntro employee puneet had not faked his relationship with his female btech 1993 ee classmate, misused her name, to steal her resume, savings, memory, correspondence, people would have treated her as an experienced engineer who had worked hard to save money , invest in domains to become india’s largest female domain investor
The engineer was not well connected , so people would not pay her unless she was providing some product or service to them.
So if the mhow cheater puneet and other fraud ntro employees had not misused her name, people would have acknowledged the fact that she earned her money working hard, she had some skills, experience which was valued
However the mhow cheater puneet misused the name of the engineer so extensively, that people were duped that all her money was belonging to the mhow cheater puneet, she was his proxy, when there was no connection at all, for the last 25 years
So other frauds like parmar, parekh, also believed the lies of the mhow cheater, and his defamation of the experienced engineer as his dumb puppet, when there was no connection, and ntro employee puneet had done everything possible to destroy the life of his btech 1993 ee classmate wasting crores of indian taxpayer money in the process
Now that the mhow cheater puneet has exploited his engineering classmate to the maximum extent and destroyed her life, he does not have the grace, honesty and humanity to admit that he had misused her name, and there is no connection at all.

So now the engineer is wasting her time and money to expose the relationship fraud of the mhow cheater puneet and other ntro employees like parmar, so that they stop interfering in her life, making fake claims and people realize that she has earned her savings on her own merit

After faking his relationship to steal everything from his engineering classmate, mhow cheater ntro employee puneet is honest about his hatred

The brahmin ntro employee mhow cheater puneet started the great online fraud of putting his btech 1993 ee classmate under surveillance after faking his relationship and then falsely claiming that his lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater girlfriends like indore document robber veena, nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan,naina, and others who were not spending any time online, were doing all the work, to get his girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary

Instead of being honest about his hatred of his btech 1993 ee classmate initially itself and not interfering in her life, the fraud puneet like j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel faked his relationship with the engineer, google competitor, so that he could shamelessly misuse her name, steal everything from her, and make fake claims about her business, paypal and bank account, destroying her life in the process. Only after the puneet-vrushali college romance was exposed, are the indian intelligence agencies realizing that they will not be able to defend puneet’s fraud in an open debate since he has not interacted with the engineer for more than 25 years.

The cheater ntro employees are aware of the fact that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends who they have got raw/cbi jobs, are not doing any work online , not writing any content at all, yet they are so vicious and ruthless in defaming , cheating and exploiting the google competitor, engineer who is actually spending her time, that they continue to make fake claims about online work, paypal account.

These 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree can easily open their own paypal account legally , write content and do other work themselves and get the money transferred in their own paypal, bank account legally. Instead they are relying on the fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, parmar, vijay, j srinivasan, patel, to abuse their powers and make fake claims about the paypal and bank account of the google competitor who they hate.

In 2018, after stealing everything from his btech 1993 ee classmate, the google competitor and domain investor, to get all his lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre cheater girlfriends great powers, raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity, now finally the mhow cheater puneet is showing his true colors, and openly admitting that he hated his btech 1993 ee classmate. However he and his lazy greedy mediocre fraud girlfriends do not have the honesty and humanity to openly admit his fake references fraud, professional conduct and resign from the jobs which they got with the stolen resume, savings.

Instead the cunning mhow cheater ntro employee puneet along with others like j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay continues to put his classmate under surveillance, denying her privacy and then defames, cheats and exploits her, making fake claims about online work, online investment wasting indian taxpayer money in the process. So the engineer whose identity has been stolen, is wasting her time and money exposing the fraud, so that people are not duped by the lies of the mhow cheater puneet, who still continues to make fake claims abusing his powers

Only after Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet’s college romance with vrushali was exposed, people agreee that the google competitor was cheated, exploited

For many years, the google competitor tried very hard to stop the misuse of her name by the powerful Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, however she failed, because the cheater puneet was a very good actor and liar, who had destroyed the credibility of the google competitor, circulating photos and videos of her worldwide without a legally valid reason.

Only after Mhow cheater ntro employee puneet’s college romance with vrushali was exposed, most people agree that the google competitor was cheated, exploited, that the google competitor was just another classmate in a class of 61 , and he had no right to interfere in her life, misuse her name, steal her savings, divert and steal her correspondence, faking help, when he actually hated her. He also falsely claimed to be acting on her behalf when actually he systematically denied her information, and asked others also to isolate her.

In the last 25 years, the mhow cheater puneet has not interacted with the engineer, and in college also there was hardly any interaction, other than passing the attendance sheet, yet the cunning brahmin cheater puneet was able to market himself so well, that the central government, state governments and almost everyone else blindly believed in his lies, with raw/cbi hiring employees based on his lies. Even the mhow cheater puneet’s enemies believed in his lies, and attacked the google competitor ruining her life further.

In 2018, it is very clear that the mhow cheater ntro employee is very narcissistic, and status conscious, so he will never communicate with google competitor anytime in her life, so there is no reason she should suffer because of his lies, tolerate being defamed, cheated and exploited, when he puts the google competitor under surveillance and falsely claims that his various lazy greedy cheater girlfriends, who are not spending any time, money online, on computers, are doing the work online to get them raw/cbi salaries.