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Social conditioning forces educated girls to do laundry, wasting talent

Though the mainstream media in India may claim that the status of women has improved in India, the harsh reality remains that women have far less freedom today than compared to a few decades ago, and the unemployment levels among women have increased, especially for those who are not well connected or good looking or fashionable. Instead of education and being financially independent, increasingly in Indian society, for women, the emphasis is on getting married, having children and keeping the house and clothes spotlessly clean. So if their daughters are not good housekeepers , not interested in doing housework , keeping the house, clothes spotlessly clean , both men and women face social censure and it may adversely affect the marriage prospects of a girl or woman and indirectly the status of her family.

With surveillance technology becoming widespread and economical it is increasingly cost effective to spy on people in their homes without their permission. If a young woman or girl is not interested in doing the laundry for clothes and other household chores, quickly the neighbours and others will know about it and gossip about it affecting the social status of the family at times. In some cases, the father of the girl may not scold his daughter directly, however he will tell his wife, the mother of the daughter that she has not trained her daughter properly in doing the household chores.The mother will be upset when taunted in this manner and tell the daughter and other children that their father is shouting at her for not training the daughter and force the girl to help in household chores especially doing the laundry.

Though many households have washing machines, just putting the clothes in the washing machine with the best detergent available will not be enough to make the clothes spotlessly clean for many extremely dirty clothes. Many clothes especially underclothes, have to be scrubbed properly before being put in the washing machine to be washed. It requires some additional effort and time to be spent in applying a detergent soap to the clothes, and then scrubbing the soiled clothes. After the clothes are washed, the mother will also insist that the daughter help her in putting out the laundry to dry and finds out the different types of fabrics, cleaning detergents, fabric whiteners, starches which are essentially for cleaning clothes.

The mother will usually insist that the daughter will learn the process of cleaning the clothes well, while the brother of the girl will be free to enjoy himself, playing games with his friends, on the computer, watching television or generally enjoying himself. When the brother finds that his mother and father are insisting that his sister help in household chores, while he does not have to spend his time doing the work, he will think that it is the duty of a girl to do household work, especially cleaning clothes, utensils. When the brother grows up and gets married, he will expect his wife to look after the household chores, and when he has children, the attitude towards household work especially doing the laundry will be passed on to his children.

I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

Underestimating an ugly woman business owner resulted in failed business takeover

A company will try to takeover a smaller company in the same industry sector only if they are fairly confident that they will succeed in a fairly short period of time, usually three or four years. However in the indian internet sector, a fairly well known company launched a hostile takeover and failed after nearly 6 years, mainly because their ceo or top management misjudged the owner of the business, a woman on the basis of her appearance and clothes. Because the online business owner was middle aged, wearing a salwar kameez, not slim, not fashionable, not wearing cosmetics,not goodlooking, the top management misjudged her as a fool and it turned out to be an expensive mistake.

In the indian internet sector most of the top officials and company executives judge the competence of women are judged mainly on the basis of her appearance, weight, height, hairstyle, fashion, verbal communication skills. The online business owner was a fairly large and growing customer of a domain registrar and the management of registrar underestimated her based on her appearance, thought that they could get extremely good terms or deal, if they managed to force her to agree to a hostile takeover or strategic alliance. They though that because she was simple and wearing a salwar kameez, she was a fool, who could be easily exploited.

In the last decade, due to call centres, more indian women are wearing western clothes and those who prefer to wear indian clothes are labelled as incompetent, especially in the tech sector, denied information and opportunities. The change is most noticeable in the tech sector and the online business owner had worked in the engineering sector where women are expected to be more conservative. The domain registrar and other corporates used extremely negative tactics to harass the small business owner, falsely accusing her without any proof, of having black money, money laundering and being a security threat.

The officials of the domain registrar often denied her information which she required, which caused great losses to her. Due to the fake allegations, the life of the small business owner has become hell, and her payment from multiple customers are being blocked repeatedly, her correspondence diverted and stolen, denied her fundamental rights. The management of the domain registrar has made it obvious that they treat her as a second class citizen,denying information, misusing her name, rewarding anyone who will cheat her with a lucrative R&AW/CBI job falsely claiming that the mediocre inexperienced good looking fraud has the impressive resume of small business owner. Bengaluru shivalli brahmin fraudster housewife nayanshreehathwar, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex bribe giver bsc sunaina are some mediocre lazy greedy frauds who have been rewarded for cheating, harassment.

The female business owner had worked in India’s largest engineering company for many years, and is aware that corporates in India are generally more ethical, value their customers. So instead of enduring the exploitation, defamation, cheating of the ntro officials, and the domain registrar, she decided to reduce her exposure to the registrar hoping to end the defamation, exploitation and cheating. So she has worked with other domain registrars who treat their customers more ethically. The retirement savings of the single woman had also been stolen by officials without a court order or legally valid reason to blackmail her.

Now as the sales to the traumatized female business owner have reduced, the extremely powerful management of the registrar realizes that a hostile takeover could adversely affect their reputation as she is dealing with a large number of companies at present, unlike earlier. They have also wasted a lot of time and energy in trying to takeover the business for the last 6 years, lost a loyal customer. If the management of the company had not been prejudiced against ugly short salwar kameez clad women, dismissing them as fools, they would have not wasted so much time trying to takeover a business to acquire talent and technology cheaply.

Unfortunately most Indian men judge women professionally based on their appearance and clothes as the Nihar Naturals #IAmCapable survey conducted by Nielsen India reveals:

a. 69% of men agree that their judgement of women is based on their looks.

b. 64% of women agree that the judgments passed on them have affected their ability to reach their true potential.

c. 70%of women agree that majority of judgments on women are from family members or friends rather than strangers.

d. 72% of women agree that working women face more judgments on their looks or their clothes than housewives.

“I’m breaking stereotypes based on appearance by sharing my experience for the #IAmCapable activity at BlogAdda in association with Nihar Naturals.”

NTRO officials involved in sex, cheating, impersonation scandal

NTRO officials are given great powers, with indian intelligence agencies like R&AW/CBI blindly believing their claims, yet these officials are betraying the trust which organizations have in them, when they are stealing the resume of their btech 1993 EE classmate, a single woman engineer, for at least 8-9 lazy greedy fraud sex bribe givers, housewives and cheaters, to get all these frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resumes.

If these NTRO officials hate their engineering college classmate, the ethical thing to do would be to say that there is no connection at all. However these ntro officials are cunning section 420 frauds, falsely claiming to know their engineering college classmate very well, to steal her impressive resume for at least 8-9 lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre fraud sex bribe givers, housewives and other cheaters who are at present working in R&AW/CBI.

Now that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends have got lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs, these powerful ntro officials cannot afford to have their great impersonation, sex bribe fraud exposed, so these ntro officials are wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money to monitor their btech 1993 EE classmate closely online and offline. In reality it is case of bullying of a classmate, however to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money, these cunning powerful ntro officials are making complete fake allegations of black money, money laundering, security threat, without any proof at all, against their harmless engineering college classmate for more than 5 years.

It is time that ntro develop better systems so that their officials do not abuse their powers for personal gain or hatred, and to steal the impressive resume of their classmate who they hate.

The real rulers of India in 2015

In 2015, all the delusions that all citizens of india having fundamental rights disappeared, India is a democracy in name only, large corporates like tata, google, intelligence and security agency officials actually control india and do whatever they wish without being held accountable or questioned. Entrepreneurs in India, especially single women, are second class citizens denied their fundamental rights to privacy, to earn a living, while intelligence and security agencies are able to do whatever they feel like without being identified.

The indian government will blindly believe all the lies of the powerful intelligence and security agency officials, while the innocent person being defamed without proof, cheated, exploited and tortured for years will find it impossible to get any help or justice. The innocent person being defamed will not be given a chance to defend herself, while the cowardly fraud officials defaming her, can waste infinite tax payer money to ruin the life of an innocent person, without being questioned or identified

The indian intelligence and security agencies showed their lack of professionalism, competence, humanity and honesty, when they continued to make completely fake allegations without proof against a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holders, despite wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money for more than 5 years to put the harmless single woman under surveillance. Instead of monitoring the border areas of India, these officials are wasting a huge amount of resources, tax payer money, to put a harmless single woman engineer under surveillance so that they can sexually harass her, steal her hard earned money and resumes for their lazy greedy mediocre friends and relatives.

The double standards of the indian intelligence and security agencies cannot be matched as they torture harmless civilians without a legally valid reason, wasting indian tax payer money,faking concern about honesty, while refusing to take any action against their mediocre inexperienced lazy greedy fraud relatives, and friends, who are faking a Btech 1993 EE degree, 20 years work experience as an engineer, investment, skills,Paypal account to get lucrative CBI/R&AW jobs. Highly educated, “respectable” officials in India are shameless dishonest liars taking sex bribes, make false claims, steal resumes and nepotism remains rampant

Few can match the skills of the indian intelligence and security agencies in character assassination of a harmless person if they are bribed to do so, without any proof at all, making it difficult for honest hardworking brilliant individuals, professionals to succeed in India today only those who betray flourish. They are also experts in creating an atmosphere of fear, discriminate openly, deny information, are involved in impersonation frauds and treat single women as second class citizens, who they can cheat and exploit endlessly. Offering sex bribes or seducing powerful ntro officials will make a woman an experienced engineer, domain investor overnight to get lucrative CBI/R&AW jobs, she does not have to know anything about engineering.

However like all frauds, the shameless intelligence and security agency officials do not have the honesty or courage to defend their lies in an open debate or even face the person who they are defaming, cheating and exploiting. So though they may use sophisticated voice to skull technology to torture the harmless person they are exploiting, they will never be able to take any action as they have no proof at all against the harmless innocent person they are defaming, whose life they have destroyed.
At the last count, at least 8-9 mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced frauds have got lucrative cbi/R&AW jobs for impersonating a harmless brilliant single woman engineer with a btech 1993 EE degree, domain investor and Paypal account holder. In 2016, the names,designation and salaries of these mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced cbi/R&AW employees should be exposed, so that the wastage of indian tax payer money on these frauds, human rights abuses and impersonation fraud will end.

Did sheena bora betray her mother indrani mukherjea?

Though there is less news on the sheena bora murder case being published online, it becomes increasingly obvious that sheena bora was killed for betraying or blackmailing her mother indrani mukherjea. Like all extremely wealthy people, indrani mukherjea had distributed her wealth to people who she trusted like her daughter sheena, allegedly including an expensive flat in a posh area of Delhi.

Now Indrani Mukherjea was allegedly asking her daughter sheena bora to return the flat, and not only had sheena refused, she was also demanding an expensive 3BHK in Bandra, one of the most expensive and poshest areas of Mumbai. This remains a problem for trusting family members with assets, initially they may say that they will return, yet they can betray anytime and refuse to return. Sheena also had an affair with a person who was close to her mother indrani mukherjea, which upset her mother according to online media report.

Tired of the blackmail and betrayal, the well connected and powerful indrani decided to take revenge for the betrayal, blackmail and planned the murder of her daughter in great detail, so that it would never be known. It might have been the perfect murder, if sheena bora’s friends husband had not contacted the Mumbai police and her driver shyamvar rai had not been caught with an unlicensed weapon.

The importance of reporting sexual violence

Though officially women have equal rights in India, in reality most indian men treat them as second class citizens. Education does not change the attitude of indian men, with engineers from the best engineering colleges, working in intelligence, security agencies, ruthless in sexually harassing, torturing their harmless female engineering classmate for years, wasting indian tax payer money making fake allegations without proof, out of jealousy, hatred, greed.

In some cases, women are accomplices to powerful men in the sexual violence against harmless women, as these fraud women want to exploit the sexually harassed woman to become rich and powerful overnight. In a news item which has been extensively documented online yet neglected by the mainstream media , the goan sex bribe givers, slim goan obc slut bsc sunaina, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel,veena, ruchika, naina and their associates are involved in the daily torture of a harmless single woman obc engineer to cover up the great impersonation fraud, wherein these fraud women have allegedly got lucrative jobs in R&AW faking their resume.

Increasingly officials in intelligence and security agencies are using hitech invisible radiation weapons to sexually harass and torture vulnerable women who they hate. It remains difficult to report this hitech torture, sexual harassment as the police will need physical proof of the damage, and medical professionals will refuse to acknowledge the torture. However it is always advisable to atleast keep a record and try to report the sexual violence a woman will face for a number of reasons:
-Any kind of sexual harassment or violence remains an extremely unpleasant experience for a woman, which can leave her traumatized, difficult to focus on her work or studies, be productive . If she will keep quiet, the person who sexually harassed or violated her, will be encouraged by the fact that he remains unaffected, and sexually harass or violate her again resulting in a never ending cycle of abuse and harassment. Reporting the sexual violence may ensure that the abuse or harassment will end.

– Reporting the person involved in the sexual violence or harassment will ensure that others are aware of his or her misdeeds so that they can be careful while dealing with the person, especially when young women and children are involved. In some cases, officials in NTRO, R&AW, CBi, security agencies may be involved in sexual harassment using hitech invisible radiation weapons, reporting may help victims rally together to get legal aid.

– Most women who are sexually harassed or violated in India do not report the incident fearing that their reputation will be adversely affected. However this allows the men who indulge in sexual violence to be free, without their reputation, career getting affected, and these men may commit sexual violence on another vulnerable person. Reporting the incident will ensure that other victims of sexual violence will find the courage and support system to report their own trauma to the law enforcement agencies and try to get justice. Today indian society the victim is expected to feel ashamed and reporting the crime will hopefully change the attitude, the person commiting sexual violence should feel ashamed and be punished.

In some cases, where officials involved in sexual violence and harassment like the relatives and friends of bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife, r&AW employee bbm nayanshree hathwar, slim goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina, pritesh are allegedly bribed by corporates, it remains difficult for the victim to get justice or any kind of legal help, However keeping detailed records will help the investors and officials worldwide to know of the difficult conditions for women in India.

The post was originally written for amnesty international, blogadda, yet because it was exposing a major sex, cheating and human rights abuses scandal, it was rejected, indicating the high level of censorship in India. Officials involved in sex, cheating and torture scandal are ruthless in deleting any information related to their vyapam type fraud.

Brilliant OBC professionals betrayed by OBC officials, leaders

Though they make up a small percentage of the indian population, brahmin officials hold most of the important positions because they are ruthlessly in defaming, cheating, exploiting and harassing honest hardworking competent obc/non brahmin professionals and business owners, often without proof. These brahmin officials are totally devoid of honesty, humanity and refuse to admit their mistake, wasting a huge amount of Indian tax payer money for their personal gain or hatred without being questioned.
These brahmin officials are helped by the dishonest greedy OBC intelligence agency officials, leaders who do not think in the long term for the benefit of their community and are easily bribed by large corporates allegedly google, tata, Brahmin CBI, NTRO, R&AW and other officials to destroy the life of brilliant competent hardworking obc engineers, professionals and small business owners. These obc officials leaders do not realize that by destroying the life of the brilliant obc professional, they are ensuring that the brahmin officials retain their monopoly

The problem is particularly accute in Panaji, Goa where a brilliant single woman obc engineer is being impersonated by a lazy greedy goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giver bsc sunaina who sleeps with powerful tata, google, NTRO, R&AW, CBI officials who then falsely claim that the goan obc bsc sunaina in her early twenties has a Btech 1993 EE degree, is a domain investor, paypal account holder, to give her a lucrative R&AW job at the expense of the OBC engineer. Now the obc engineer finds thatd her phone calls, smses are diverted to the goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina. Additionally the cruel fraud relative of obc slut sunaina, obc fraud pritesh has been ruthlessly stalking and torturing the single woman obc engineer to cause great pain, memory loss, wasting indian tax payer money almost daily.

An open question to all the obc officials, leaders in Goa, why did the lazy greedy goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina not answer JEE or any engineering entrance exam to get a Btech 1993 EE degree, work in an engineering company, invest her own money in domain names, mutual funds or open her own Paypal account. Why does the goan obc sunaina offer SEX BRIBES to shameless fraud NTRO, CBI, R&AW, google, tata officials to abuse their great powers and spread false rumors that she owns the domain names, Paypal account and has the Btech 1993 EE degree of the obc single woman engineer, who the goan obc fraud sunaina and her relatives like pritesh hate.

Can the obc leaders,officials in Goa openly state that goan obc SEX BRIBE GIVER bsc sunaina is their role model and they want all obc women in goa to follow her footsteps in offering SEX BRIBES to powerful fraud NTRO,R&AW, CBI officials, to become powerful overnight, education, hard work, experience, merit does not matter for obc officials, leaders. In addition to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi diploma holder siddhi mandrekar and their associates, why does the brilliant harmless obc engineer have to waste her time and money fighting the rumors of fraud obc officials

Young people used for betrayal, cheating, fraud

Increasingly powerful officials and companies are using young people for betrayal, cheating and commiting crimes. For example, before the death (or alleged murder ) of Father Bismarque Dias in Goa he was seen with two young men aged 17 and 18 years, who are not even being questioned for their role in the death. The media has also not named the 17 year old who was seen with Father Bismarque Dias , though it increasingly becoming apparent that it was not a natural or accidental death.
Similarly powerful NTRO officials are using the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers stalker slim obc bsc sunaina, fraud goan gsb diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who committed corporate espionage on their classmate, goan gsb fraud extortionist housewife riddhi, shivalli brahmin cheater bbm nayanshree hathwar, blackmailer ruchika, stock broker asmita patel, naina and others to destroy the life of their brilliant obc classmate who these officials hate.
These cunning officials expect their classmate to forgive their fraud friends who has cheated her, and give the fraud a stake in the business, and are torturing their classmate daily wasting tax payer money.

The reason why officials and companies are using young people for crimes, betrayal and illegal activities is that the media, public is increasingly judging people on the basis of their appearance, and young criminals will usually get the benefit of the doubt, remain unpunished for their crime. Earlier youth was associated with innocence, honesty, now this is no longer true, at least in Goa, the most ruthless, greedy frauds in Goa are in their twenties.

So now a middle aged small business owner has realized the difficult way, that people of her own age or older are far more likely to be honest, compared to the unprincipled young people, who think that cheating, exploiting older people is their birthright

A phone for stalking victims to prevent betrayal


In India victims of stalking, especially organized stalking are always betrayed, and the officials and their associates who harass them rely on the fact that their victim does not have proof, so that their harassment will not be exposed. So it is important for the stalking victim to have a reliable phone like the LG Nexus 5X which has high quality front and rear cameras to capture images clearly. The LG Nexus 5X has a front camera of resolution 12.3 MP and a rear camera of resolution 5 MP so that the phone owner can take high resolution images of anything he or she is interested in.

Victims of stalking are also under surveillance all the time, and those stalking them will often try to steal their mobile phones so that they can misuse the phone for making calls, sending smses to the personal and business contacts of their victim, to impersonate the victim. Allegedly some of the largest corporates like google, tata, were involved in an impersonation fraud using a stolen Samsung Galaxy Grand, wherein the mobile phone thief was allegedly rewarded with a job in R&AW for the crime, faking their resume. Hence it is important to have a tamper proof mobile phone. The LG Nexus 5X has a fingerprint sensor, which will make it difficult for mobile phone thieves to tamper with the stolen phone and impersonate the real owner of the phone.

Another problem faced is that stalking victims have to keep changing their address, to avoid harassment. One of the major problems with using a mobile phone while travelling is that it will get discharged quickly, especially if the mobile phone is being used extensively. The LG Nexus 5X mobile phone has a USB type C charger which can be connected quickly and will charge the phone quickly. If the mobile phone will be charged for 10 minutes using the charger provided, the phone can be used for 4 hours, and this feature is useful for people who are travelling as they can charge the phone when they are halting for having a meal.

For example the shameless lazy greedy goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has been rewarded with a top job allegedly in R&AW for her crime of committing corporate espionage on the domain investor, Paypal account holder. Another lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi is involved in an impersonation fraud falsely claiming to have an Btech 1993 engineering degree, Paypal account to get a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW,when the mediocre lazy cheater GSB fraud riddhi could not get admission to any engineering college in India.
\Both these well connected lazy greedy shameless goan GSB frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar are allegedly protected and rewarded by google, tata in their fraud, run an extortion, bribery racket at the expense of the obc bhandari domain investor, electrical engineer and a LG Nexus 5X phone would be useful to capture these well connected frauds commiting corporate espionage or the greedy lazy cheater goan gsb fraud riddhi impersonating the obc engineer on phone

Removing the link to expose the lazy greedy cheater shameless goan gsb frauds especially riddhi siddhi who falsely claim to be associated with the obc bhandari engineer,domain investor and Paypal account holder to get lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW, faking their resume. These pampered frauds are the greatest conwoman in India.

So the LG Nexus 5X mobile phone with dual cameras, security features and quick charging is ideal for people who use their phone for photography and do not want others to access the data stored in the phone without their permission.

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Character assassination, defamation for talent acquisition

In the indian internet sector some of the largest companies allegedly Google,Tata, Paypal are completely devoid of ethics, morals and humanity. When these companies want to acquire talent and technology cheaply or destroy competition, these companies are allegedly adopting some of the most shocking methods for their corporate goals. The worst method is defamation of the small business owner without any proof, to ruin his or her professional and personal reputation, and to justify the cheating, exploitation of the innocent person for the rest of their lives.

These companies will reward people for making completely false allegations against the innocent person without any proof, so that a large number of people will make false stories to earn some quick money. These corporates or the intelligence, security agency officials on their payroll will also steal the retirement savings of the small business owner without a court order or legally valid reason to blackmail the person to give up his or her impressive resume for the lazy greedy mediocre cheater friends and relatives of these officials, the inexperienced fraud relative and friend of these officials will then enjoy a job with great powers in R&AW, CBI for the rest of their life, faking an engineering degree, twenty years experience, investment.

The pampered inexperienced lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, obc slut bsc sunaina who offers sex bribes to top officials, brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena,mba ruchika and others are some of the frauds allegedly enjoying lucrative jobs in R&AW allegedly with the support of Google,tata, paypal, falsely claiming to have a Btech 1993 EE degree, work experience, domain and other investment, and fake references of fraud engineers from top colleges.

The fraud mainly brahmin engineers working in intelligence agencies who falsely claim that goan sluts who offer them sex bribes,greedy lazy goan gsb fraud riddhi, brahmin and other cheaters were their Btech 1993 EE classmate are ruthless in defaming and framing their real Btech 1993 EE classmate, an obc bhandari engineer and have allegedly stolen her retirement savings of twenty years to blackmail her to give up her resume for their fraud friends. When powerful fraud shameless officials are making false accusations,it can be traumatic for an innocent person.

However the great fraud of these shameless fraud officials and companies making false accusations was exposed , when the engineer and domain investor hired a detective to recover her money which these officials had stolen to blackmail. For a change the detective a complete stranger, told the engineer, and domain investor that though she was completely innocent, some very powerful people were trying to frame her , to ruin her, and he felt sorry for her that a harmless innocent woman had been harassed for so long.
So though the harassment, defamation of the innocent harmless domain investor, obc engineer continue till date, the advice from a complete stranger that powerful people were trying to frame her ruthlessly, made her realize that there is little a person can do against evil people with no morals, personal integrity or humanity, except being careful.

  • “I am participating in the #SachchiAdvice Contest by MaxLife in Association with BlogAdda.”