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Get rich scheme of Goa’s Evil cunning slim greedy fraud Bsc SEX bribe GIVER

A powerful fraud intelligence agency official J srinivasan in NTRO hated his obc engineering college classmate, an experienced engineer, webmaster, domain investor and online exporter and wanted to destroy her life. He had been instigated to do this by large evil corporates in the internet sector, allegedly google, tata, paypal who wanted to destroy competition, acquire talent and technology cheaply.
So for this the fraud cruel J needed to destroy the reputation and finances of his classmate. He found an accomplice in the slim greedy obc bhandari evil bsc sunaina from goa who he promised to make rich and powerful overnight if she helped him in cruel fraud plan. The slim bsc sunaina was extremely lazy, did not want to work hard like the single woman engineer, and readily agreed to plan of the evil tamilian brahmin fraud J.,
The cunning hypocrite J had falsely claimed to be concerned about honesty and put his engineering college classmate under surveillance to check whether she was doing anything illegal when he actually wanted to sexually harass her and find all information about her.

J was extremely powerful in the indian internet sector and started introducing the inexperienced bsc sunaina, half his age, t to everyone as his engineering college classmate who had invested a large amount online and was an experienced ebay seller, when actually the lazy greedy sunaina did not spend a single paisa online and does not even have an ebay account . After making these false claims the evil hypocrite J, who behaved as a fraud shamelessly exploiting his engineering college classmate, managed to get a very lucrative government job for his darling sunaina at the expense of his engineering college classmate who has got nothing.

Now the evil greedy fraud J and crooked accomplice sunaina from goa started falsely claiming that sunaina owned the online export business, was the domain investor to defame the experienced engineer, webmaster and domain investor socially and professionally. When the lazy greedy fraud slim good looking sunaina cannot operate the bank account of the online export business, why does she act like a section 420 cheater falsely claiming to own the online export business. When she does not have an ebay account, why did she falsely claim to be an experienced ebay seller to steal privileges from the real ebay seller.

Why does the lazy cunning greedy slim sunaina not start her own online export business with Paypal with the help of her powerful boyfriend J , instead falsely claim that she owns a business she has no connection to. Now the evil fraud J has been abusing his powers, wasting indian tax payer money to cover up his fraud, making and circulating defamatory videos. He has also diverted all the phone calls of his engineering college classmate to his slim fraud girlfriends sunaina to make it difficult for his engineering college classmate to get any help?

J shows his true colours as a cruel greedy hypocrite when he can commit the greatest fraud himself without being punished, why did he falsely claim that his friend sunaina was the domain investor when she did not spend a single paisa online or did not have an ebay account. Why has no one put him under surveillance, According to other sources, the slim sunaina will retain her government job as she sleeps with powerful government officials. Can the fraud J justify his false claims promoting sunaina openly?

Has anyone come across an evil greedy official like J and his cunning lazy slim fraud accomplice sunaina? How would you deal with such an evil cruel shameless powerful man and his equally fraud accomplice sex bribe giver sunaina who can waste infinite indian tax payer money for their personal goals.

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Corporates in the indian internet sector reward betrayal

Though the mainstream media seems to be surprised at the lies, deceit and betrayal in the sheena bora murder case, few know that some of the most “reputed” companies in corporate India reward lies, betrayal and dishonesty. These companies allegedly Google, Tata, Paypal consider betrayal, lies and cheating a sign of “leadership” and ensure that the frauds are rewarded with lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW faking their resume.

The case of the treacherous goan diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who betrayed the webmaster, domain investor who trusted her, has been extensively documented online. She falsely claimed to be wanting to work at home, and injected sophisticated malware in the laptop which allows her and her associates to steal the data on the laptop of the webmaster. For her lies and betrayal, top officials in the indian internet sector falsely claimed that the inexperienced goan diploma holder was their Btech 1993 EE classmate, to get the mediocre fraud siddhi a lucrative job with great powers in R&AW, stealing the resume of the webmaster.

Now the webmaster and engineer finds that all her correspondence including phone calls, smses, is diverted to the greedy lazy goan fraud siddhi allegedly rewarded by google,tata, paypal without a court order or legally valid reason, making it difficult to earn a fair living. Additionally the goan fraud siddhi mandrekar is spreading extremely defamatory and false rumors about the webmaster, making it difficult to get customers, abusing the surveillance the webmaster is under. Like Indrani Mukherjea, siddhi mandrekar has a long list of powerful boyfriends who she allegedly sleeps with, earning her the title, “The Kim Kardashian of India”

Another cunning brahmin fraud who has ruthless betrayed the webmaster is the bengaluru cheater housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar. The webmaster made the mistake of trusting nayanshree, who did not provide content as agreed. After pocketing the hard earned money of the webmaster and single woman engineer, the cunning fraud nayanshree has refused to reply. Allegedly she and her powerful associates in indian intelligence agencies are falsely claiming that she is providing all the content to get her great powers when actually the mediocre brahmin fraud is not doing any work at all.

Though companies like google, tata, paypal are paying lip service to corporate ethics, these companies are involved in great fraud as they are protecting and promoting the shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar. They have ensured that bengaluru cybercrime does not take any action against the cheater nayanshree for looting the engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh. Like the goan fraud siddhi, the correspondence of the obc engineer is diverted to the brahmin fraud nayanshree for the impersonation fraud. These women especially Nayanshree are good looking, power hungry without morals or humanity.

If these corporates really were honest and had values, they would not have protected and rewarded mediocre lazy greedy frauds like brahmins nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar for their betrayal of a person who trusted them. When the largest corporates like Google, Tata, Paypal are rewarding known frauds for betrayal allegedly with top jobs in indian intelligence agencies, faking their resume, why blame Indrani Mukherjea for betrayal and murder? Betrayal,lies and fraud has become a part of corporate culture in India today, most others are never caught.

Indrani Mukherjea betrayed daughter Sheena Bora to murder her

The Sheena Bora case clearly indicated how Indrani Mukherjea had betrayed her daughter to murder her. It appears that it was a well planned crime, and Indrani Mukherjea knew her daughter well enough, to fool her into trusting her. If sheena bora had not trusted her mother and refused to enter the car, she would have at least escaped being murdered on 24 April 2012. However sheena bora blindly believed the complete lies of her powerful mother, who had planned to murder her well in advance.

After sheena bora entered the car and allegedly consumed the spiked beverage, her chances of survival reduced. There are other reports that she was injected after she entered the car, which appears to be more likely as people do not consume beverages in a vehicle, especially if they have been dragged into the vehicle. It was a very well planned betrayal as indrani mukherjea had called her ex husband Sanjeev Khanna from Kolkatta for helping her in the murder and made all the arrangement.

Though some media outlets are falsely claiming that people should not generalize, unfortunately betrayal is becoming increasingly common in India as people are very materialistic and only care for money. Wealthy people know that if they have sufficient influence no one will bother them even after a murder. Like sheena bora, there appear to be many other bodies dumped in the Raigad Pen jungle stretch . There are reports of how Indrani Mukherjea and her husband used to have meals with the top police officials, so it appears that she was confident of a cover up.

A person cannot trust anyone at all in India, especially relatives and friends who will gain financially and otherwise from any loss or death the person may undergo. Even close family members like a sister or cousin will betray if they have been offered financial incentives and they do not value the relationship. Unlike western countries like USA, France, UK., Germany where the security and intelligence agencies are professional, fairly honest, a victim of murder or similar crime can hope to get justice, in India, if the victim is not well connected, the complaint will be simply ignored, Thus a well connected or powerful family member can get away with betraying the more vulnerable individual and never get penalized.

On 1 September 2015, Indrani Mukherjea continues to claim that her daughter is in the US according to media reports, though her driver Shyamvar Rai has indicated that sheena bora was murdered and her body dumped in Raigad. It clearly indicated that indrani mukherjea remains confident that she will escape unpunished for her betrayal and crime. That is probably the most unfortunate part of betrayal, the person who betrayed and murdered will probably escape unpunished, while the victim sheena bora died.

A posh home to improve your social status

Increasingly in India only contacts matter, and if people feel that the person does not have a good social status, they are more likely to betray the person for personal gain, as they feel they will remain unpunished. For example, the goan fraud siddhi mandrekar, who later commited corporate espionage on the webmaster, had a look at the room, and indirectly implied that her powerful family, friends would not recognize the webmaster as they associated with people with posh and well maintained homes. Increasingly the home is the most important indicator of the social status for the most powerful people in society in India, who do not consider other factors like the education, professional knowledge, expertise or personal ethics.

Though everyone may want a posh home, maintenance of the home can be time consuming and difficult, especially if a person is living alone, elderly and finds it difficult to get reliable domestic help. Hence it is recommended that these factors are considered while decorating a home or room. A well designed room will take into account the main activities in the room , colour preferences as well as environmental factors, like the dust which will enter the room, high radiation levels, rainfall, sunlight, ventilation required, climatic conditions.

Increasingly for stakeholders in the indian internet sector like webmasters, bloggers and domain investors, hidden wifi network are used to hack the laptop using hidden backdoors and steal confidential data. High levels of radiation can also cause memory loss,headache, insomnia and great pain, making it difficult for the person to do any work at all, adversely affecting the productivity. Hence the dream room should have radiation shielding wall paper and curtains which will attenuate the high power radiation signals to some extent. Special radiation shielding fabrics and wall paper are available with specialized firms

Another major problem faced by relatively well off domain investors, webmasters in the indian internet sector, is that powerful intelligence and security agency officials will break into their house repeatedly and steal documents and other items they choose, for identity theft. This can be very inconvenient for the domain investor as they waste a lot of time searching for some missing item, which cunning officials falsely claim were misplaced, when they have taken these items, These officials have high tech tools to tamper with the lock or master keys which can open any lock.

So the design of the house should include suitable surveillance equipment, provision for hiding it, which will keep a record of who has entered the room, and tampered with the items in the house, Knowing that their activities are being recorded will make it less likely for the officials to break into a house and steal whatever they feel like.
I am participating in the Upload and Transform #HomeCanvas activity in association with Godrej Interio and BlogAdda.

No protection for women harassed by powerful men

The brutal murder of the 19 year old Meenakshi in Delhi on July 17, 2015, has again highlighted the harsh reality of indian society that a woman being harassed, defamed or exploited by powerful men finds it difficult to get any help in the long term. Complaining does not help , as these men will take revenge, often violent for protesting. Though there were approx 50 people in the vicinity, no one helped the young woman when she was being attacked.

The webmaster has also faced the same problem has been ruthlessly defamed, cheated, harassed and exploited by powerful officials, mostly working in security and intelligence agencies. When she will complain , these powerful men including some of her powerful engineering college classmates working in intelligence agencies, will waste tax payer money to punish her with the most sophisticated invisible directed energy weapons in the country causing great pain, memory loss, leaving her crippled.

The organizations, lawyers and activist which the media claims help women in distress will refuse to take up the matter, especially when powerful officials and companies are involved. These activists and lawyers will only take up relatively minor cases like domestic violence, dowry, maintenance after divorce, infidelity. To ensure that the women suffering do not get help, powerful officials will only ensure that their mediocre dishonest puppet will be appointed to positions of power reserved for women .

So though officially women are guaranteed equal rights, they will find it difficult to get any help as indian society will betray women due to the lack of support system, protection and powerful men are free to attack, exploit them repeatedly. Independent women who are not puppets of powerful men find it difficult to flourish in India

Fake concern is the worst kind of betrayal

While people who hate openly are to be admired for their honesty, those who fake concern to destroy a persons life are the worst persons in the world. A person who will hate openly will express his or her hated openly and at least not try to benefit from the person he will hate.

On the other hand a person who faked concern for a person can be very dangerous like hidden snake who can kill the person. He will pretend to be a wellwisher of the person so that he can misguide all her other friends and relatives, exploit them for his personal wishes.. He will pretend to take decisions to get the best deals for the person he is faking concern for, when actually he is taking completely wrong decisions which are destroying the life of the person.If a person is too status conscious to even speak or reply to the person he is faking concern for, then he has no right to interfere in that person’s life, or even claim to know her.

It is very convenient for powerful top officials in the indian internet sector to falsely claim to know an experienced webmaster, domain investor and Paypal account holder so that they can steal her impressive resume for their mediocre lazy greedy cheater friends and relatives and get these frauds like kannadiga brahmin fraud BBM nayanshree hathwar, goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, bsc sunaina, brahmin cheater riddhi,veena, ruchika, asmita patel.

The indian intelligence and security agencies need to take action against their shameless fraud officials who falsely claim lazy greedy goan call girls half their age, cheater diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bsc obc sunaina, brahmin cheaters nayanshree hathwar, riddhi,veena, ruchika, asmita patel, were their Btech 1993 Electrical engineering classmate, to get all these fraud women permanent government jobs allegedly in R&AW with salary and pension. Why should the single woman engineer tolerate the repeated betrayal of top officials who fake concern and actually hate her.

How corporate culture betrayed indian women


Increasingly if a woman has to be successful in the corporate world in India, she will have to lead a very westernized lifestyle and may have to use the casting couch. If she does not lead a westernized lifestyle, however competent she may be at her work, she will be sidelined and not get what she deserved.

The fact that drinking ballantine’s whisky was the preferred way for Jahnavi Gadkar , (Reliance VP legal, who was later involved in a fatal accident)to celebrate her success indicates the drastic change in the lifestyle of Indian working women. A decade ago, a woman professional would celebrate with eating food or some entertainment, mostly with her family at home.

It is not known who has influenced or pulled off the great change in Indian corporate culture for women in a short span of time. However, it has been very unfair to a vast majority of indian women who are professionally competent, yet find that they are getting a raw deal, as inexperience mediocre women are preferred at their expense, because these mediocre women conform to a westernized lifestyle

Use an airfreshener to avoid betrayal

While some people are very honest with the person who has trusted them, others will exploit or betray a person who has trusted them depending on his or her social status. A well connected person in india like like the world famous goan cheater and callgirl diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, brahmin cheater housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar can make the life of the person who they have betrayed them very difficult so he or she is unlikely to be betrayed, yet can betray others without any qualms. Top officials in R&AW are allegedly so infatuated with these mediocre cheater women that they falsely claim that these mediocre frauds were their Btech 1993 Electrical engineering classmate to steal the impressive resume of the obc engineer these greedy well connected brahmin conwomen cheated.

Increasingly as India changes and becomes more materialistic the house of a person is considered to be an indication of the social status of the individual. A posh and sweet smelling house will add to the social status of the family living in the house.Though most people try to keep their house clean, it may stink due to factors which are beyond their control like leaking sewerage pipes. This will be particularly true for people who live in a building where the drainage system will be common to all the flats in the house. The sewerage and drainage pipes will often leak due to cracks and leakages in the pipe at the joint. This problem can become very severe in older buildings which are more than 30 years old and repairs will often be difficult as the walls and floors in several flats have to be broken.

In some cases, the stink from the drainage and severage pipes may become so severe that the neighbours will start complaining saying that the toilet is not clean. Though the family in the house may keep their toilet very clean the stink from the dirty water which has seeping through the walls and ceiling cannot be easily controlled. Spraying a sweet smelling perfume or deodarant may end the stink for a short period of time, however this will not be a long term solution to the problem. There are some air freshener or aerosol manufacturers which have developed fresheners which will automatically spray the perfume after a specified time to keep the room smelling nice.

However most of the air freshener companies do not have a large sales network and are not easily available in small towns. In these cases, a family whose home is stinking will use more inexpensive methods for reducing the stink in the rooms, like agarbatti. A long term solution used by some families is to fix tiles on the area where water leakage is taking place, so that the unpleasant smell does not reach outside. However if an effective and inexpensive room freshener will be easily available everywhere, many people will purchase the room freshener regularly for a sweet smelling house.

“I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity at in association with Ambi Pur

I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity at in association with Ambi Pur

Live entertainment to build trust

Doing business or even being friends with a complete stranger can be risky if you do not know the person well, he or she can betray you any time without feeling any guilt at all and without suffering from the consequences, socially and professionally . Hence it is advisable to spend some time with a person before deciding to deal with him or her to understand the true character of the person. In a business environment the person will be on his or her guard and show their best side, making it difficult to judge or predict whether the person will be honest and reliable in the long term.

Hence it is advisable to spend some time with the person in a more informal surroundings before dealing with the individual professionally or personally. Eating out at a restaurant either for lunch or dinner is a good way to know a person better and selecting a well known restaurant with live entertainment will be a good way to build trust. Often popular restaurants have live music and dance performances to entertain their customers. Popular singers like Anushka Manchanda will entertain the customers in the restaurant with their latest popular songs, helping them relax over food .

Though recorded and televized performances are available easily today, nothing can match a live performance by a singer or dancer in terms of entertainment value . Pop singers like Anushka Manchanda, have a wide range of songs to cater to their audience of different backgrounds. In some cases, they may also agree to sing songs which members of the audience may request. Seeing the person react to the presence of a celebrity singer, how he or she will react will also help to gauge the character of the person. Some people will behave nicely if the person is well known or high profile, and ruthlessly exploit those who they feel are vulnerable

Dance performances are also a part of the entertainment which many restaurants are providing today. Instead of going to the theater or cinema for entertainment and then eating out, the entire experience can be combined at the restaurant. Though movies and Tv shows have dancers executing difficult moves, these are often manipulated using special effects and equipment available. Watching the Dancing sensation and telegu actor Allu Arjun perform live in a restaurant will be a different experience altogether. He may perform to recorded music or to the live music provided by the singer Anushka Manchanda.
So before trusting a person for business or personal life taking them to restaurant with a life performance of Anushka Manchanda and Allu Arjun to accurately gauge their character, will help you understand the person well, and prevent a nasty betrayal in future.

I am blogging for #MaxFreshMove activity at Are you?

Mediocre Liar Sister rewarded for betrayal

The shameless fraud officials in the indian internet sector can stoop to the lowest level to destroy the life of a brilliant obc engineer, webmaster, domain investor and online exporter rewarding everyone who will betray the honest harmless engineer and webmaster. These perverted cowards will make up completely false allegations of black money without proof to sexually harass and ogle at her for years, though these shameless frauds cannot send any income tax notice, while conveniently remaining anonymous.

These shameles fraud officials in the indian internet sector will reward her mediocre liar sister for betraying the obc engineer, leaking family secrets with a lucrative governmemt job, falsely claiming that the mediocre treacherous sister had the brilliant academic and professional record of the obc engineer who these perverted men have sexually harassed, defamed and cheated for years. They will also steal the hard earned money of the obc engineer without a court order trying to reward the fraud sister for her treachery.

The treacherous housewife does not even check her email regularly yet the shameless fraud top officials in the indian internet sector, will falsely claim that she is the domain investor, webmaster and online exporter who earns a significant amount from export as they cannot tolerate merit of the brilliant obc engineer . Thus for betraying her trusting brilliant sister, the mediocre housewife has been rewarded by the cowardly fraud officials in the indian internet sector with a lucrative government job stealing the resume of the brilliant obc engineer.

The brilliant obc engineer has invested a large amount online, yet the treacherous housewife gets credit despite not spending a single paisa because of the shameless fraud officials in the indian internet sector who seem to worship liars, cheaters and mediocre backstabbers . Humiliating, exploiting and cheating anyone brilliant, honest, hardworking and experienced seems to be the unofficial policy of these fraud officials

They are also giving the mediocre cunning cheater housewife from Indore credit for the online revenues of the brilliant obc engineer when she does no work online or spend a single paisa . These powerful shameless thieves are falsely claiming that the stolen savings of the obc engineer belong to to her fraud sister. The cunning fraud sister along her cheater husband has invested a huge amount in gold and real estate, yet due to the complete lack of morals, honesty and humanity in the top officials in the indian internet sector, the cheater housewife has got great rewards for betraying her brilliant sister who made the mistake of trusting her.

This is a clear indication of how cunning fraud brahmin officials use the divide and rule policy to destroy the life of brilliant obc engineers and steal their resume for mediocre obc and other frauds who cheat them. Any suggestions on how to make these shameless top officials in the indian internet sector STOP MAKING UP FALSE STORIES and give credit to the obc engineer for a change
